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submitted by migogel to PokerTournament [link] [comments]

The greatest review of Hugh Cook's Chonicles ever written - and it's in German!

This is the best review of Hugh Cook's Chronicles of an Age of Darkness ever written, and it is written in German! English translation below. It's almost perfect.
(Google Translate.)

Genre experiments: Hugh Cook

05/15/16by Dennis Mombauer Comments 2 📷
Hugh Cook's Chronicles of an Age of Darkness is a ten-volume fantasy cycle that uses literary ingenuity and experimental techniques to break through classic genre boundaries, break them and leave them far behind. In addition to a diverse, wacky world and the precise, black-humored rendition of human realities, the author's willingness to experiment is expressed above all in a multitude of voices and perspectives: in his writing style, which changes from volume to volume, and the interconnectivity of the volumes, which tell separate stories, but constantly encounter, influence and overlap.
A guest contribution by Dennis Mombauer .
Fantasy - at least immersive, ie that takes place completely in a secondary world - is contrary to the perhaps obvious intuition, a conservative genre. A world built from scratch, foreign cultures and magic would allow every imaginable long-distance and high-altitude flight of the imagination, but the majority of fantasy authors fall back on the same conventions that were established by Tolkien and his imitators in the middle of the last century. At the beginning of classic fantasy stories there is always a carefully put together, often pseudo-medieval setting dollhouse that is threatened by evil and saved by protagonists, who are dug out of the shared archetype box by their authors. The plot runs on the same, often messianic, rails laid according to Campbell's mono myth, at the end of which the status quo is restored and the readership can lean back contentedly. All too often, fantasy is a »comfort genre« (Williams 2007) that, by tradition, unnecessarily limits its altitude itself and is dragged to the ground by reactionary resentments.

Golden gulags and dark ages

An exception to this rule is the British-New Zealand author Hugh Cook (1956-2008), who remained almost unknown outside of a small fan base and only moderately successful commercially, which could already indicate the experimental nature of his literature. His main works are the "Chronicles of an Age of Darkness", a megalomaniac fantasy cycle of 60 volumes, of which ten were written in the end and published between 1986 and 1992: And these ten volumes fire with such a firework of literary ingenuity and experimental techniques against the grids of the classic genre cage suggest that little more than ash and burned-in shadows remain of them. The world devised by Cook for his "Chronicles" towers as a mountain range over every dollhouse fantasy, is more of a sandbox and construction box than a carefully assembled toy. Individual novels span decades, various continents, islands and regions are visited, and almost everything is possible: pseudomagic »synergetic improbability«, wandering mountains, circularly lined up teleportation doors and arenas with monstrous giant minkes; a space academy whose AI director continues to train pilots even though the spaceships only exist in illusion tanks; mighty banking consortia, wish-fulfilling machine flowers, magic bottles inside magic bottles; ghostly Ilpse, who dissolve when asking questions, the skulls of the deep south, Asmen, the Odex, etc. etc. pp. Integrated into the intercosmic, probability-manipulating mega-civilization of the Nexus, the planet in the center of the setting is a former prison and therapy complex (the "Golden Gulag") that lost all connection to the Nexus thousands of years ago and fell back into a partially medieval post-apocalypse. Such a mixture of fantasy and science fiction elements is not new, and although Cook does it in a very original, often bizarre way (and does not emphasize the extraordinary, just mentions it in passing), it is not what makes it Novels escape the mainstream.

Human and non-human realities

In Cook's world, the potential of almost unlimited possibilities is fully exploited, and yet at the same time it remains down to earth, realistic in the psychology and physiology of its inhabitants. Humans (and human-like life forms) come in a variety of colors and shapes, of which black and white are just the beginning: for example, there are the islanders of Ebrell with their red skin, the purple-colored frangoni, the metallic-gold-skinned, milk-eyed inhabitants von Ling or the green-haired and bearded Slagger Mulps ("two thumbs and three fingers on each hand"; Cook 1988, 83); In addition, there is also a multitude of different ethnic groups, castes, cultures and subcultures:
"As had already been stated, Dog was a member of the Yara, the Unreal underclass of Dalar ken Halvar's dominant people, the Pang. Dog wanted to join the Free Corps, but membership of that august body was largely restricted to Ebrell Islanders and members of the Chem, the wealthy upper class of Dalar ken Halvar's Pang. "(Cook 1992, 46)
Racism, discrimination, pogroms, forced relocations and sometimes tolerance occur between the various groups; For example, the islanders of Ebrell on Untunchilamon are considered alcoholics, troublemakers and, if necessary, scapegoats, while in Dalar ken Halvar they belong to the most influential population groups. Diverse languages ​​and dialects lead to misunderstandings or misunderstandings, local customs are diverse, and there are different currencies, laws, religions and traditions:
“› I demand ‹, he repeated,› to see the ambassador of the Narba Consortium. Don't you understand? Ambassador! ‹But his captors spoke no Gaelish. Nor did they understand High Churl, City Churl, Field Churl, Ashmarlan, Lorp Talk, Estral, Rovac, Ligin or Ling, which was almost the sum-total of the languages ​​Jon Arabin spoke. "(Cook 1988, 375)
Classic fantasy creatures such as dragons, minotaurs, demons or orcs (hunted because of their oily trans and threatened with extinction) exist alongside high-tech machines and post-lovecraftian nightmare creatures, other protagonists are even more unusual: for example Shabble, a former toy , almost indestructible miniature sun or a gigantic hermit crab, which is in fact an inorganic, probability-manipulating entity from the heart of the local star. Cook builds a colorful world full of human (and non-human) abysses, showcasing all the light and dark sides of human nature, and ruthlessly opposing its protagonists. Oppression, torture, disease, hunger, thirst, alcoholism, betrayal, cannibalism and madness are ubiquitous; Armies on the march are constantly threatened by unrest, unrestrained pillage, excesses of violence and desertion; Ships of mutinies, intrigues, storms and sea monsters; Travelers end up in dungeons because they cannot pay a bribe, warriors lose their hands or more (Guest Gulkan loses both arms and legs in the middle of his more than seven hundred-year history). Cook's protagonists are mostly not heroes, not even antiheroes; they are villains and drifters, egoists in search of their own gain, often self-inflicted difficulties in the way, which perish by their own greed or celebrate great successes with their unscrupulous actions - and Cook puts the reader in these characters without taking sides for (or against) them.

A narrator with many tongues ...

A diverse, often wacky world and human realities are not yet experimental in themselves, even if they break with the classic conventions of the fantasy genre in many places - mixtures of SciFi and fantasy abound, merciless medieval realism at the latest with »Game of Thrones ”(albeit clearly after Cook) reached the mainstream. There are primarily two peculiarities that highlight the Chronicles series and perhaps cannot be found anywhere else in a comparable form: On the one hand, Cook's writing style, which changes in each volume, always maintains a certain distance and thus one (or more) additional ones to the story Level (s) conferred; and on the other hand the fact that the novels all tell closed stories, but constantly overlap, intersect and illuminate the same events from different angles. First to Cook's writing style, which makes him an omniscient, constantly commenting narrator, who delves into digressions (comparable to Moers' Mythenmetzschen digressions) and punishes "show, don't tell" rules with contempt:
"[Gouda Muck] was, quite possibly, the only atheist in the city of Cam. Most citizens enjoyed the practice of religion - indeed, for many devout souls, its consolations were all that made life worth living. But Gouda Muck was born to be a dissident. He refused to believe in the demon Hagon, far less to worship that formidable eater of souls. He also avoided those sacred religious duties usually accepted even by unbelievers, viz: patronizing the temple casinos; copulating with the temple prostitutes; playing the temple numbers game; going to the temple cockfights; participating in the human sacrifices. His main objection to all the above activities was that they cost an exorbitant amount of money. "(Cook 1988, 58-59)
Cook takes the typical genre elements - the young hero who sets out into the world, the battles, the prophecies, the ancient magicians - and confronts them with the psychological mechanisms and dark spots that are usually left out. The hero goes out into the world and comes back without having learned anything; the rightful heir moves out to take his throne and is broken and traumatized along the way; the revolutionary realizes that the story is not about him. Clichés and conventions are deconstructed without the story stalling, and Cook observes and comments on all of this from a withdrawn observer position that combines black humor and dry understatement:
"Another vessel was connected to the Gol-sa-danjerk by grappling hooks. Copious quantities of blood on the deck suggested that the connection had not been entirely welcome. Indeed, Drake observed that most of the crew had become corpses. "(Cook 1988, 82)
A remarkable element is the fact that the language changes with the narrator in each volume and appears almost as a separate character with idiosyncrasies and a multitude of idiosyncrasies. What in the first volume could almost pass as the voice of a traditional fantasy writer is in the fifth volume the cynical commentator on a picaresque story; in volume 3, a female point of view is adopted, which is rather rare in fantasy, which, according to the author, is one of the reasons for the series' commercial failure. (Cook 2005) The sixth volume consists of the recordings of an inmate of the Dromdanjerie, the psychiatric institution on the island of Untunchilamon, which are packed into different meta-levels à la House of Leaves: The records were first used by the »redactors of Odrum« with enormous amounts (» a full two million words «, Cook 1990, 5) provided with explanations and insertions, which in turn were cut out by another authority so that only the voices of a few prominent editors remained (as the preface to the preface explains). The seventh volume consists of the diary-like writing of the same inmate, who now seems cured of his madness and has dispensed with the commentary levels; Volume 8 is thematically based on Nordic sagas and takes place entirely at night, Volume 9 gets lost in technical debauchery on the nexus and (pseudo) scientific explanations. Most of these volumes alone would be reason enough to declare Cook's work to be experimental, but each of them represents only one of the ten facets of innovation and originality, which together form a colorful kaleidoscope.

... and a narrator with many eyes

The other big experiment of the »Chronicles« is the fact that each band tells its own story, has its own protagonists and locations, but is still linked to the other stories and constantly has interfaces. For example, the central protagonist of the tenth volume is introduced on the first page of the first book and appears in a large number of other volumes, sometimes only as a brief encounter, sometimes as an apparent deus ex machina or antagonist. A frequently cited example is a scene from The Walrus and the Warwolf in which Drake Douay is led into the torture chamber of the local ruler Watashi:
"Watashi's private torture chamber was a soundproof room containing a narrow wooden bench, which bore an ominous number of russet stains, and many ugly implements of iron. Drake did his thinking - and fast. Clearly posing as an innocent peddlar was not going to save him. "(Cook 1988, 352)
The same scene is exposed as a psychological trick in the next book from Watashi's perspective:
"[Drake] was gagged and taken to an abandoned store room. Over the last three days, this had been converted into a horror house. Many ugly implements of iron had been gathered together; a torture bench had been installed; and Jarl had slaughtered a chicken in the room to make sure it was suitably blood-bespattered. "(Cook 1989, 303)
The scene is one element of many, and even more than direct encounters, numerous descriptions and reports of events ensure that the ten volumes taken together are reminiscent of a more trashy version of Rashomon or a more extensive and complex anticipation of films like Babel or 21 Grams. Information spreads uncontrollably, and the events of one novel become the distorted rumors and legends of the next and the one after that; Due to geographical distances and inadequate means of transport, messages reach other places with enormous delay, and there is hardly anyone who does not constantly lie for his own benefit. Again and again the protagonists of other volumes play supporting roles, are mentioned in reports or set in motion events in the background that appear from the respective perspective like unchangeable fate, but in their own story are quite normal actions. Conflicts do not arise from the fact that some characters are good and others are bad; they arise from conflicting motivations, insufficient information and often pure coincidence.

Limitations and limits exceeded

There would be a lot more to say about Hugh Cook, about his biography which is closely related to the novels, his short stories, his crazy homepage (unfortunately only available via Wayback Machine or similar), his later novels such as To Find and Wake the Dreamer or even just to the titles of his "Chronicles" volumes, which range from the classic (The Wizards and the Warriors) to the comical (The Walrus and the Warwolf) to the exotic (The Wishstone and the Wonderworkers) - but time and space are limited, and therefore it must suffice to sum up that he explored the scope of the genre with his novels, far exceeded the limits and dared the experiments that classic fantasy so urgently needs.
Cook, Hugh (1988): The Walrus and the Warwolf. London: Corgi Books Cook, Hugh (1989): The Wicked and the Witless. London: Corgi Books. Cook, Hugh (1990): The Wishstone and the Wonderworkers. London: Corgi Books. Cook, Hugh (1992): The Worshipers and the Way. London: Corgi Books. Cook, Hugh (2005): (accessed via Wayback Machine; as of July 22, 2012) Willams, Tad (2007): Interview. (as of November 28, 2013)
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Rizk Casino 50 free spins bonus no deposit required

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An Overview of the Rizk Casino Online Game Selection

An online casino is only ever as good as its game selection, and to get ahead in today’s competitive market it’s crucial to have a healthy mix of new titles, golden classics, and live offerings. I was pleased while reviewing Rizk Casino online that it managed to strike a strong balance between genres and formats, while boasting an ever-expanding library of recent additions. In this section, I’ll be breaking down the operator’s games library and getting into the nitty gritty of its payouts, betting limits, and more.

Slots, Blackjack, and New Favourites

Slots remain one of the most popular game categories in online casinos, so it should come as no surprise that the operator has scores of slots on show. Rizk Casino games run the gamut from classic slot titles to newer variants, like the frightfully Hitchcockian Psycho, themed around the classic horror film of the same name. One of the site’s current rising stars is the Phantom’s Curse, another property of Universal’s, featuring the iconic Phantom of the Opera. If you’re not keen on a side of spookiness with your slots, you can always opt for the more light-hearted Secret Romance. All in all, players can expect to find over 500 slots to choose from, catering to every conceivable taste.
Though there’s a wealth of options to be found in the Rizk Casino online slots library, its table and card game selection is decidedly more limited. When it comes to its roulette and blackjack offerings, the site steers clear of flashy novelties and sticks with clear-cut, classic variations. Deal Or No Deal Blackjack is the lone themed game, with the rest strictly emulating the casino favourites we all know and love faithfully. All the games can be played for free, meaning you can try your hand at a number of different titles before putting any money on the line.
Disappointingly, Rizk doesn’t yet offer scratch cards or arcade games, though given the increasing popularity of both in the past few years it’s likely that they’ll be added to the roster in good time. If the lack of scratch cards is a deal breaker for you, you might be more interested in checking out BetVictor. What the site does offer, however, is its novel Wheel of Rizk. The Wheel of Rizk has proven to be one of the casino’s biggest draws, and a feature that sets Rizk apart from its many competitors. Players can steadily fill their power bar while playing games, and once it’s full they can spin the wheel for the chance to win a variety of exciting prizes. The more you fill the power bar, the more you level up, resulting in greater jackpots and superwheels being added to the wheel. Basically, the more you play, the greater your chance of winning big at the wheel.
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Live Gaming with Rizk

If you visit Rizk Casino online, you’ll find its live games are powered by not one, but two industry heavyweights – NetEnt and Evolution Gaming. Both developers pride themselves in providing crystal-clear streams and charming dealers, giving you the best online casino experience possible. In Rizk’s live casino lobbies you can take your pick from a host of different tables, game variations, and dealers, ensuring that every player can find a game that suits their needs. Play against other players, or against the casino itself in games like Caribbean Stud Poker.

Gaming on the Go

Let’s face it, most of us do everything from our phones nowadays. Thankfully, the Rizk Casino site is fully optimized for mobile, so you can enjoy a wide selection of its games no matter where you are. You can play Rizk Casino games straight from the mobile browser or download the Rizk app for free for both iOS and Android. Though not all of Rizk’s games are available on the casino’s mobile version, you can still enjoy 446 different slot games and the full scope of the live casino.

Limits to Suit Every Player

Now that I’ve given you the low-down on the game selection, it’s time to take a look at Rizk Casino’s betting limits. After all, what good is a game selection if you can’t place bets based on your budget? Whether you’re a high-roller or looking to take fewer rizks with your bank balance, you’re likely to be satisfied with Rizk’s limits. As you might expect, limits differ from game to game. Minimum bets on the slot games range from 1p to £1.50. Maximum slot bets range anywhere from 25p to a whopping £1,500.
Rizk’s live table games come with similarly broad limits. You can play a hand of blackjack for a mere £1 or, if you’re feeling lucky, take your chances at a VIP table for £300. Maximum limits for blackjack start at £40 and go as high as £2,500. If you’re hoping to strike big at roulette, however, be aware that the upper limit is capped at £1,500. Though the maximum bets don’t hit quite as high as some competitors, there’s still plenty of room at Rizk for players of all budgets.
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Examining the RTPs

If you’re a seasoned player, you’re probably already well-versed in the importance of RTPs, or “return to player” rates. For those of you just starting out, this refers to the percentage of money paid out by the casino to players over time. In the simplest terms, the higher the RTP percentage, the higher your chances of winning. For example, slot games usually have an RTP of 90-98%. That’s why it’s always a good idea to get a feel of a game’s RTP to get the most out of your gaming experience. Due to the volume of games in certain categories, RTPs are typically presented in averages ranging between different percentages. If you want to check the individual RTP of any particular game, you can do so in the “How to Play” instructions.
Like any other casino review, this review simply wouldn’t be complete without an overview of Rizk Casino payout rates. Thanks to the fact that the establishment is still fairly young, its RTPs are pretty competitive. This helps it to attract new players, and is ultimately good news for you, the player.
Generally, the payout rates for games like roulette and blackjack are better than those for slots, though Rizk Casino payout rates differ slightly from the norm. The casino’s video slots boast an RTP range of between 96.5% and 99.6%. Rizk’s roulette games, on the other hand, offer an RTP range of 94.5% to 97.3%, meaning that in this rare instance video slots could give you a better payout than a game of roulette. The best payout rates at Rizk, however, are in its blackjack games with a payout range of 99.4% to 99.5%.

What You Need to Know About Rizk Casino’s Software

In the interests of leaving no stone unturned in this review, I made sure to give the website a thorough look. With that in mind, I wanted to spare a moment to discuss Rizk Casino software. At first glance, the site is laid out super cleanly. Super being the operative word, as it’s here that you’re likely to become quickly acquainted with the operator’s mascot, the spandex-clad superhero Captain Rizk. The superhero theme continues throughout the descriptions of all Rizk Casino games, which often include fun references to the Captain and his faithful sidekick, Lucky the Superdog. This attention to detail, paired with the easy-to-navigate layout of the casino, makes a welcome change from other online casinos that can often present their games in a way that’s confusing and overwhelming to new players.
All titles are grouped neatly into categories on the homepage. This includes a category for recent arrivals, so you never have to look far for fresh new games to play. Sadly, Rizk Casino is restricted in a long list of countries, most notably the United States and Australia. If you’re lucky enough to be living in the UK, you have the option to play in any of the following languages: German, Swedish, Norwegian, and Finnish.
As mentioned previously in this review, Rizk Casino’s live games are powered by NetEnt and Evolution Gaming, and this commitment to high calibre developers is evident throughout the casino. Its other games come courtesy of such big names as Play’n GO, Scientific Games, and Microgaming, all of whom have made their marks as some of the best developers in online gaming today. Though it may be young, Rizk Casino’s software is on par with that of older, more established casinos online, marking it as a true contender.
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An Overview of Rizk Casino’s History

As I’ve already mentioned in this Rizk Casino review, Rizk are a fairly recent addition to the world of online casinos. Since its founding in 2016, it has been operated by MT SecureTrade Ltd, part of the Gaming Innovation Group. The Gaming Innovation Group holds the honour of being one of the largest iGaming product suppliers in Northern Europe and has offices across 35 different countries.

Notable Facts About the Casino

As part of the MT SecureTrade family, Rizk Casino is a sister company of Guts Casino and Betspin. Not bad company to be in, considering Guts took home the 2014 award for Best Casino at the Casinomeister awards. Success obviously runs in the family, as Rizk nabbed both the Best New Casino and Best Player Experience awards at the 2016 Casinomeister awards. It followed this success by racking up nominations at 2017’s EGR Nordic Awards, including Best Casino Operator and Socially Responsible Operator. Its rapid rise to popularity and critical claim stands as testament to the quality of the products and services it provides to its user base.

How Does Rizk’s Customer Support Measure Up?

No casino is ever totally perfect, so if ever you have complaints or queries it’s important that you can contact customer support quickly and effectively. For the most part, the site’s customer support is pretty strong. You can contact Rizk Casino online via a live chat option, which can be found alongside the casino’s main categories. You also have the option to contact customer support via email. Support is offered through all of the languages currently available on Rizk too, so nothing is likely to be lost in translation. One area where Rizk’s customer service could stand to improve, however, is through the addition of a customer service phone number. For those of you who prefer to solve issues over the phone, or simply desire the reassurance of a human voice to guide you through your query, Rizk’s lack of phone support might come as a bit of a disappointment.

Security and Safety

In this Rizk Casino review I’ve touched on the game selection, RTPs, and customer support, all of which are important elements to consider when looking at a casino. However, arguably the most important aspect of any operator is its safety and security measures. Ensuring that the casinos you visit hold valid licences should always be your highest priority. All information on a casino’s licences should be readily available on its website. The company holds licences from both the Malta Gaming Authority and the United Kingdom Gambling Commission. Both regulatory bodies are known for their strict standards, and a licence from the UKGC is a requisite for any casino operating in the UK.
Rizk has made every effort to ensure the safety and protection of its customers’ data. It utilizes Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption in handling sensitive data, so players can enjoy complete peace of mind. That said, there’s more to player safety than just data protection, which Rizk knows all too well. There’s a reason why it was nominated as a socially responsible operator, and a great deal of that is down to its commitment to responsible gaming. This commitment includes a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to criminal activities like money laundering, as well as providing players with resources for help and support. If, at any point, players become concerned about their own gaming habits, they can set financial limits, and opt for time out periods or self-exclusion. Players can also avail of a reality check, where the casino will send them a reminder of how much time they’ve spent playing.
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Bonuses and Benefits

Winning a best player experience award in your first year of operation is no easy feat, yet Rizk confidently established itself as the hero players need and deserve. Its overall popularity has been helped in large part by its attractive bonuses. As a welcome bonus, players can avail of a free spin of the Wheel of Rizk after registration. You’ll also get 50 extra spins on Second Strike, which are distributed over the course of five days at ten spins a day. Once you’ve got things rolling, you can also enjoy an additional 100% welcome bonus on deposits between £10 and £100. Just be aware that you have to wager this bonus amount 40 times before you can withdraw your money.
When it comes to special games, the site earns full marks thanks to its comprehensive array of slots and frequent new additions. Beyond welcome bonuses, Rizk is a casino that really rewards loyalty. Rather than relying on a VIP club which charges for exclusive membership, Rizk Casino rewards its returning players with more chances at the Wheel of Rizk. The wheel effectively gamifies the entire site, allowing the player to rack up more opportunities to win big the more they play.

Bottom Line – A Worthwhile Up-And-Coming Casino

Ultimately, Rizk Casino is definitely not a casino you want to miss out on. I had a lot of fun looking playing through its games for this Rizk Casino review, and it’s clear that it has what it takes to become a popular destination for newbies and seasoned players alike. Its straight-forward, no-nonsense site layout echoes its “Real Rewards, No Bullshit” mantra, marking it as a refreshingly accessible and frank online casino.
Rizk’s mobile capabilities are also worthy of praise. It’s obvious that the operator understands the current market and the needs of players really well, and it shows in its dedication to mobile flexibility. Being able to choose between the mobile browser or the official app is a huge advantage for players, especially those who might want to give the casino a test spin before sacrificing some precious RAM by downloading the app.
As it currently stands, Rizk’s biggest weakness is probably its lack of customer support phone call. While not a huge mark against it, Rizk could probably benefit from adding a phone number. Its live chat is a top-notch service, but to truly satisfy the needs of customers it could do with diversifying its customer service options a bit more. Like I said, it’s just a small quibble with an otherwise innovative and interesting casino that’s sure to continue to attract fans. If you’re interested in finding more highly-rated online casinos, you can check out my page for casino reviews.
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A not-so-brief rundown of letters J-L of Jeffrey Epstein's 'Little Black Book'

Below is a rundown of letters J-L of Epstein's contacts. Last year, I wrote about letters A-C. You can check that out here (
I also wrote about letters D-F on July 5, 2020. You can check that out here (
I posted letters G-I on July 13, 2020. You can check that out here ( There are some misspelled names. Epstein entered their names like this.
I have bolded some of the more interesting connections and information, but there could be much more that I overlooked. I hope something here strikes an interest in someone and maybe we can get more investigations out of this. Please, if you know anything more about any of these people than what is presented here, post below. I am working off of the unredacted black book found here:
Jackson, Michael (Samuel Gen): Yes, this is a reference to MJ the singer. However, the numbers listed are not MJ’s. They belong to Samuel Gen, a lawyer for a financial advisor (Jerry Seinfeld’s brother-in-law) who worked for MJ for a while. This one was a reach for Epstein.
Jacobson, Julian: Likely a reference to a Managing Director at several London-based investment firms.
Jagger, Mick: World-famous lead singer of the Rolling Stones. Has been seen in photographs with Ghislaine Maxwell. Actress Rae Dawn Chong claims she slept with Jagger when she was 15 years old.
Jagger, Hatti: Former fashion director for Vogue, Harper’s, and Tatler. Also works as a celebrity stylist and at fashion shows.
jake: Not enough info.
Jameel, Mohammed: Saudi Arabian businessman. CEO of Abdul Latif Jameel, a collective of family-owned businesses that specialize in transportation, investing, and real estate. Royal pervert Prince Andrew infamously partied on Jameel’s yacht during the 2011 London riots (source:
James, Susie: Founder and owner of 123 Send Ltd, a company that provides payment terminals.
Janklow, Linda: Literary agent and wife of Mort Janklow, the primary owner of Janklow & Nesbit Associates, the largest literary agency in the world. Attended a party hosted by Sony Pictures with Epstein, although they are not pictured together (source: In 2007, Ghislaine Maxwell threw an exclusive party (80 carefully selected guests) at her NYC townhouse to celebrate the opening of a new shop by designer Allegra Hicks (granddaughter-in-law of Earl Mountbatten, who you can read more about in my G-I Epstein thread under India Hicks’s name). One of the eighty guests was Julie Landlow, daughter of Linda and Mort.
Jarecki, Nancy & Andrew: Andrew is a filmmaker, co-founder of Moviefone, and was a producer on Catfish, the documentary that launched the popular MTV show. Andrew’s family was reportedly friends with Jeffrey Epstein. There is an EXCELLENT thread on the connections between the Jarecki family (especially Andrew and Nick’s father, Henry) and Epstein here (source: Quick summary: Henry was born in Nazi Germany; flew on the Lolita Express; is an expert in psychotropic drugs; owns two islands in the British Virgin Islands; founded the first youth center in the British Virgin Islands; lived 2 miles from Epstein in NYC; owns and donates to many sketchy foundations, schools, and organizations; has donated at least $1 million to leftist organizations). Andrew’s wife Nancy created bettybeauty, a company that specializes in hair dye for your nether regions (not kidding).
Jarecki, Nick: The movie director brother of Andrew and son of Henry Jarecki (see link under Andrew & Nancy Jarecki for more info). Reportedly dated Courtney Love (also in Epstein’s ‘Black Book’) in 2015. Photographed with Ghislaine Maxwell at a Gucci party (source:
Jason (canada): Not enough info. Could be artist Jason Wasserman based out of Canada. The second number listed traces back to Station 16 Gallery in Montreal.
Javier: Javier Banon is former Co-head of Merchant Banking at Lehman Brothers and current Founding Partner of Trilantic Europe.
Jeffries, Tim: Ownedirector of Hamiltons Gallery in London. Best known for dating models Elle Macpherson, Claudia Schiffer, Kylie Minogue and Sophie Dahl (also in Epstein’s ‘Black Book’). Jefferies has attended fundraisers for ARK Academy and the NSPCC. He truly cares about children.
Johnson, Richard & Nadine: Nadine is a millionaire public relations guru. Nadine is a good friend of Ghislaine Maxwell’s. Some clients of Nadine Johnson include spirit cooking extraordinaire Marina Abramovic and hotelier Andre Balazs, good friend of Ghislaine. Richard is one of the most well-known gossip columnists and was the editor of Page Six for twenty-five years. There is a great thread detailing the Johnsons’ ties to the Clintons, Balazs, and others here (source: Basically, Richard Johnson is friendly with the Clintons and, as Page Six Editor, purposely did not report or downplayed stories on the Clintons and Nadine’s clients. He also took bribes. Considering Nadine is a good friend of Ghislaine, it would not be a stretch to assume that Richard could have buried stories on Maxwell and Epstein. I could spend 10 pages on the shady connections these two have.
Johnson, Lucy: Not enough info.
Jones, Ann & Mick: Mick is the guitarist of Foreigner, an immensely popular rock band in the ‘70s and ‘80s. His wife, Ann, is a jewelry designer, and friend of Ghislaine. Ann Jones was photographed at a party with Ghislaine and Donald Trump in 1997 (source:
Josephson, Barry & Jackie: Barry is a producer and the former President of Production for Columbia Pictures. Jackie is his ex-wife and also a producer.
Karella, Kalliope: Wife of Prince Pierre d’Arenberg. Kalliope is a good friend of Ghislaine Maxwell.
Kastner, Ron: No info found.
Katz, Anton & Robin Plant: Anton is CEO and co-founder of Talos Trading, which specializes in cryptocurrency. Anton and Robin are friends of and have been photographed with Ghislaine (source:
Katzeneilenbogen, Mark: Long-time investment banker who used to be based out of South Africa.
Keeling, Sarah: There is a Sarah Keeling in London who is a former British government official with 20 years of experience in national security and intelligence experience, however, the phone number listed has a 410 area code, which leads back to eastern Maryland. Inconclusive.
Kegan, Rory: A nightclub designer and creator. Co-founder of the exclusive, celebrity-filled London nightclub, Chinawhite. Prince Andrew (source: and Prince Albert of Monaco are regulars. Chelsea Clinton has been there, as well (source: Other patrons include: Prince Andrew, Kate Middleton, George Clooney, Leonardo DiCaprio, and more.
Keidan, Amanda: Owner of Keidan Jewelry.
Keidan, Jon: An entertainment executive-turned-venture capitalist. As an entertainment exec, Keidan worked with John Legend, Dave Matthews Band, and Nappy Roots. Keidan serves on the Council of Foreign Relations, a powerful group that some believe determines foreign policy. Former and current members include former presidents, current and former politicians, business magnates, and celebrities (
Keller, Georgie: Interior designer.
Kellette Frayse, Caroline: Fashion editor at Vogue and Tatler (both magazines constantly come up in Epstein’s contacts). Former girlfriend of Imran Khan, whose name has come up frequently. Passed away in 2014. Her husband, Jean-Marc Fraysse, is a French investment banker.
Kelmenson, Leo-Arthur & Gayl: Leo was an advertising and marketing guru who has been credited with saving Chrysler. Friend and advisor to Lee Iacocca, former President of Chrysler. He worked as Special Project Officer for the U.S. Department of State under President John F. Kennedy and AG Robert F. Kennedy. He had tons of connections. His former maid accused him of sexual harassment in 2010 (source: Kelmenson died less than two months after the story came out.
Kennedy Cuomo, Andrew & Kerry: Andrew is the current governor of New York. It’s no secret that Cuomo is willing to look the other way on sexual deviancy as long as he receives a payoff. Cuomo halted a probe into the handling of Harvey Weinstein’s case in New York after receiving $25,000 from Weinstein’s law firm (source: Andrew’s brother, CNN Host Chris Cuomo famously told viewers “not to get caught up in the intrigue of who Epstein’s friends are” (source: Perhaps, he was covering for his brother. Kerry Kennedy is Cuomo’s ex-wife of fifteen years, the daughter of RFK, and a close friend of Ghislaine Maxwell. Supposedly, Kennedy provided Ghislaine with informal illegal advice (source:
Kennedy Jr. Ted: Son of Ted Kennedy and nephew of JFK and RFK. Ted Jr. dabbled in politics and currently works as a lawyer. His father, Ted, was a notorious sexual abuser (allegedly).
Kennedy, Bobby & Mary: Bobby is the son of RFK and nephew of JFK. Bobby is a known drug abuser and philanderer. Bobby kept a sex journal detailing his conquests while he was married (source: His ex-wife, Mary, committed “suicide” two years after their divorce. Before committing suicide, Mary told a friend that she “feared for her life” and Bobby told her that she “would be better off dead” (source:
Kennedy, Ethel: Widow of RFK Sr. and mother of eleven, including Bobby Kennedy, Kerry Kennedy, and Joseph Kennedy II.
Kennedy, Jo: Joseph Kennedy II is the son of RFK Sr. and Ethel. Served in the House of Representatives from 1987-1999. In 1973, Joseph was convicted of negligent driving after paralyzing a young woman. He was fined $100.
Kennedy, Senator Edward: Brother of JFK and RFK, Ted Kennedy served as U.S. Senator of Massachusetts for 47 years. Besides politics, Ted is best known for the Chappaquiddick incident in which a young female speechwriter for RFK drowned to death when he lost control of his vehicle while driving across a bridge. He was charged with leaving the scene of an incident and given a two month suspended sentence. Ted was also notorious for his extramarital affairs. Senator Kennedy once hosted a party at his house attended by Bill Clinton and Lynn Forester de Rothschild. Rothschild wrote a letter to Clinton afterwards in which she mentions that they spoke about Epstein (source: It is unclear what was said or what Rothschild’s connection could possibly be.
Kersner, Sol: South African accountant and hotel and casino magnate who died of cancer in 2020. Kerzner was a close friend of Donald Trump. They even worked together to create The Palm, a man-made island off the coast of Dubai (source: Kerzner was also close friends with Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York (, Naomi Campbell (, and Bill Clinton ( Kerzner was very good friends with Nelson Mandela and built his casino resorts with Gerard Inzerillo, who you can read about in my G-I ‘Black Book’ thread.
Khayat, Antoine, Jana, & George: Jana is an heiress and businesswoman. Jana is the niece of Galen Weston, a close friend of Prince Charles. George is her brother and CEO of Associated British Foods. Jana’s husband, Antoine, is a former banker and currently runs their vineyard.
Kidd, Jemma: Kidd is a British makeup artist, fashion model, and aristocrat. Married to Arthur Wellesley, Earl of Mornington, the son of the Duke and Duchess of Wellington, making her a Countess. Kidd is an interesting figure with elite connections. From 2005-2012, Ghislaine Maxwell served as Director of Jemma Kidd Make-Up Limited, a U.K. makeup company, which was founded by Kidd. Not only did Ghislaine serve as Director, but she was also a shareholder, along with the Rothschild family (source: If you click around the PDFs on this website (, you can see everything. The 16 JUN 2006 PDF on page 3 shows you a list of Officers and shareholders of the company. Jemma Kidd has also attended charity events for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) ( Her sister, Jodie, is also a huge supportefundraiser of the NSPCC, as well as the Help a London Child and Monsoon Accessorize Trust charities, both of which help out disadvantaged children (source:
King, Abby: No info found.
Kirwin Taylor, Charlie & Helen: Charles is an investment banker. He was former CEO of Credit Suisse in Switzerland, an investment firm which shows up a few times through Epstein’s contacts. His wife, Helen, is a journalist.
Kirwin Taylor, Peter: British financier. Was a member of the Pilgrims Society (, a group that has included the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and other elites amongst its ranks.
Kissinger, Dr. Henry A: Former U.S. Secretary of State and National Security Advisor under Nixon. Kissinger has long been accused of committing war crimes (ex: carpet bombing Cambodia, installing fascist governments in Chile and Argentina, genocide, extending our stay in Vietnam, etc) yet somehow managed to win a Nobel Peace Prize in 1973. Kissinger once said, “Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.” Kissinger served with Epstein on the Trilateral Commission. Kissinger has also been a member of the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Aspen Institute, and Bohemian Grove. Long thought to be an advocate for a globalist New World Order, Kissinger is a scumbag of the highest order. His connections with Gates, the Clintons, Bush Sr. and Jr., the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds are well-documented. If anyone here has ever done any research regarding the NWO, you have undoubtedly seen Kissinger’s name several times.
Klee, Rupert & Charlotte de: Rupert is a Director with Oakridge Group, a property development and investment company. His wife, Charlotte, is the producer of the religious plays at Wintershall.
Klesch, Johnathan: Former Director of Klesch Trading, which specializes in industrial commodities. It has offices in Russia, Malta, Surrey, and in London, down the block from Buckingham Palace.
Koch, David: Co-founder of Koch Industries, a diversified manufacturing conglomerate. Koch Industries has stolen oil from Indian reservations, committed hundreds of polluting, labor, and workplace safety violations. When he ran on the Libertarian ticket as the vice presidential nominee in 1980, Koch aimed to abolish Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare benefits, and minimum wage. Koch and Epstein were friends. Epstein even attended a party at Koch’s Southampton home ( Koch has also been photographed with Ghislaine Maxwell ( Thankfully, Koch died last year.
Kohl, Astrid: A businesswoman involved in pharmaceuticals. Married to Prince Alexander of Liechtenstein. Daughter-in-law of Prince Philipp of Liechtenstein. Niece of former German Chancellor, Helmut Kohl.
Kotic, Boby: CEO of Activision Blizzard, a video game holding company. Used to run several electronic companies. From 2003-2008, he was a director at Yahoo! In 2012, he became a non-executive director of Coca-Cola.
Kotze, Alex Von: British businessman involved in the tech industry.
Kravetz, Anna: Not much info found. Has a degree in finance from Wharton School and used to live on Park Avenue in NYC.
Krooth, Caryn: A successful real estate agent based out of Los Angeles
Kudrow, Alistar: No info found.
Lal, Dalamal: Director of Akron Corp. & Akron (Nig.) Ltd., a food and beverage import company based out of Nigeria.
Lalaunis, Demetra: Daughter of Ilias Lalaounis, a pioneer in Greek jewelry and a world renowned goldsmith.
Lambert, Christopher: Well-known actor.
Lambert, David: Former partner, managing director, and VP at Goldman Sachs.
Lambert, Edward: Lampert is a billionaire hedge fund manager and former CEO of Sears. Lampert graduated from Yale University in 1984 where he was a member of Skull and Bones. Rumored pedophile David Geffen gave Lampert $200 million to invest in 1992, when Lampert was just 29 years old. Lampert made Geffen $1 billion.
Lambos Duff & John: Karen “Duff” Duffy is an actress, model, and TV personality. She has had memorable roles as the love interest in “Blank Check” and as JP Shay in “Dumb and Dumber.” Duffy has battled with sarcoidosis, a deadly central nervous system disease, since the mid-’90s. She credits Harvey Weinstein with saving her life ( John is a former banker with Morgan Stanley and current President of GCA-US, an investment banking company.
Lang, Caroline: An art expert and Chairman at Sotheby’s Switzerland.
Lange, Dieter: Former Partner at WilliamHare, an international law firm with offices in London, Berlin, the U.S., Beijing, and Brussels. Passed away in 2010.
Larsen Janet: The only one I can find is a Business Psychologist based out of London.
Laurie, Jonathan: Founder and CEO of Cheyne Capital Management, an alternate investment fund firm.
Lavlada, Laura D.B. de: Laura Diez Barroso is a Mexican businesswoman. She sold her stock in Televisa for $726 million in 1993. Since then, she has been the head of several other companies.
Lawford Christopher & Jean: Christopher was an actor and relative of the Kennedys. His uncles were JFK, RFK, and Ted Kennedy. Many of his relatives appear in Epstein’s ‘Black Book’. His first wife, Jeannie, was an ad-sales associate for New York Magazine.
Lawton Paul: Two British businessmen with the same name come up. Both have extensive resumes. Could be either one.
Lazar, Christopher & Marie: Christophe seems to be a realtor in Paris, but I am not completely sure.
Le Bon, Simon & Jasmine: Simon is the lead singer of Duran Duran. His wife, Yasmin, is/was a fashion model. Yasmin is represented by Models1 in London. Models1 also represents Epstein and Ghislaine’s friend, Naomi Campbell. Le Bon has been accused of sexual assault in the past (
Le Fur, Jean-Yves: French businessman and magazine creator. He was once Princess Stephanie of Monaco’s ex-fiance. More notably, Le Fur was the one who discovered supermodel Karen Mulder (his girlfriend at the time) on the floor after she attempted suciide. Mulder blew the lid off the rampant rape and sexual abuse that she and her modeling colleagues had suffered at the hands of businessmen, royalty, celebrities, and government officials. She was even the protege of Epstein collaborator (allegedly), Jean Luc Brunel (
Le Marg Willie: No info found.
Lea, Piers: CEO of Learning Technologies Group, a workplace digital learning company.
Leeds, Jeffrey: Co-founder and Managing Partner of Leeds Equity. One of Leeds Equity’s partner companies is Endeavor Schools, which runs private preschools, primary schools, and secondary schools in Florida and 11 other states ( They are also partners with Fusion Educational Group (now Fusion Academy), which runs a chain of private secondary schools ( Former teacher Kris White, now the head of Fusion Academy in Palo Alto, allegedly told a student that he was in love with her and wrote her a note saying he was “obsessed” with her. ( This story was just published on July 12, 2020. Hypothetically, if one wanted to procure underage children, it would certainly help if the head of the school was on board and possibly a pedophile himself. According to this former teacher at Fusion Academy, “many students struggle with learning differences, behavioral issues, and/or addictions” ( In other words, the downtrodden and vulnerable. Fusion Academy refers to itself as a non-traditional school that focuses on individual students. Seems like a great opportunity. Leeds was also good friends with Epstein ( and has close ties to Colin Powell and Rudy Giuliani (
Lefcourt, Jerry: Famous lawyer who defended Epstein in 2007. That same year, Epstein donated $250,000 to the Washington-based Foundation for Criminal Justice, where Lefcourt was a board member.
Lester, Dominick: Founder and owner of MortgageFlex Systems, a mortgage lending company.
Levine, Phillip: Ex-Miami Beach mayor and close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton. He claims that he doesn’t know how Epstein got his contact information… all 13 phone numbers, including those of his driver and housekeepers (!
Liman, Doug: Popular Hollywood director and producer. He directed Swingers, The Bourne Identity, and a couple of Tom Cruise movies.
Lindeman-Barnet, Sloan & Roger: Sloan has been a New York Times bestseller and an on-air and print reporter for NBC, ABC, and Reuters. Sloan and Roger also sit on the board of the Spence School in New York City, a private K-12 all-girls school ( Her husband, Roger, is the founder of and Chairman and CEO of Shaklee, a highly successful nutrition company. Donald Trump, Melania Trump, and Ghislaine Maxwell all attended the publication party for Sloan’s book in 2008 ( ; guests included Steve Mnuchin, Epstein and Maxwell chum Carol Mack, and a bunch of others also featured in Epstein’s ‘Black Book’ (Colin Cowie, Anton and Robin Katz, and Vittorio Assaf).
Lindemann, Adam & Elizabeth: Adam is a billionaire investor and art gallery owner. Brother of Sloan (mentioned just above). Elizabeth is his ex-wife. She is often photographed with many other people mentioned in Epstein’s ‘Black Book.’
Lindemann, George(Sr.) & Freida: Now-deceased billionaire father of Sloan and Adam. George was the CEO and Chairman of Southern Union, a pipeline company and served as Vice President of the Metropolitan Opera Association of NYC. His wife, Frayda, is the President and CEO of the Metropolitan Opera.
Lindsay, Alex & Jaclyn: Alex is a war documentary maker who rents out his loft at the address Epstein has listed (
Lindsey, Ludovic: Racecar driver.
Lindsley, Blake: Actress who was in two movies directed by Doug Liman (also in Epstein’s book) - “Swingers” and “Getting In.”
Linley, David: Princess Margaret’s son, Queen Elizabeth II’s nephew, and first cousin of Prince Charles and Prince Andrew. Linley is a furniture maker and the 2nd Earl of Snowdon. He used to be the Chairman of Christie’s auction house in the UK.
Liogos, Babis: No info found, but one of the numbers traces back to Thylan Associates, a real estate and investment firm.
Lister, Paul: Likely the director of legal services and company secretary for Associated British Foods, or it could be a conservationist. Not sure which.
Livanos, Arriette: I believe this Arietta Livanos, wife of Greek shipping magnate, Stavros Livanos. Arietta passed away in 1986.
Lo Cascio, Robert: Founder and CEO of LivePerson, a tech company that develops conversational commerce. LoCascio was photographed with Ghislaine at an after party in 2012 (
Loeb, Alex: Alexandra is the daughter of John Loeb, former U.S. Ambassador to Denmark under Reagan and former Delegate to the United Nations. John Loeb was also a special advisor to Nelson Rockefeller. Alexandra is also a descendant of the Lehman family (Lehman Brothers). Alexandra graduated from Spence Day School for Girls (mentioned earlier under Sloan and Roger Lindemann-Barnett).
Lonsdale, Richard: British investment banker.
Lorenzoti, Eva Vivre: Founder of luxury online retailer, and is a TV spokesperson/personality. Good friend of Ghislaine Maxwell. Maxwell and a couple of Rockefellers were guests at her house for a dinner party in 2010 (
Lorimer, John & Lottie: John works as a private investor and as a realtor. His wife, Lottie, is an interior designer.
Louthan Guy J: Prolific British film producer and former boyfriend of actress Liz Hurley (also in Epstein’s book).
Love, Courtney: Famous drug addict, musician, and actress who likely killed her husband, Kurt Cobain. Courtney famously claimed that Prince Andrew showed up to her house late one night in 2000 looking for sex. She has since retracted this claim. The entries under Love’s name all say ‘Dana’ next to them. This is Courtney’s ex-boyfriend, Dana Giacchetto. Giacchetto was considered to be the “stockbroker to the stars” and was friends with JFK Jr, Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, and many others. He ripped his clients off of millions. Even more telling, Giacchetto was involved in a sex abuse case against X-Men director Bryan Singer ( He died in 2016 after he partied too hard and overdosed (
Lowell, Ivana: Guinness heiress who wrote about Harvey Weinstein’s sexual abuse while she worked at Miramax in her book back in 2010 ( She also dated Harvey’s younger brother, Bob.
Loyd Mark: No info found.
Lucas, Colin: The godfather of Boris Johnson, England’s current Prime Minister. Lucas is a British historian and university administrator. Served as Vice Chancellor of Oxford University from 1997-2004.
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Lost in the Sauce: March 8 - 14

Welcome to Lost in the Sauce, keeping you caught up on political and legal news that often gets buried in distractions and theater. House-keeping:
  1. How to read: Since the coronavirus was the one big story last week, I’m going to do away with the “Main Course” division this week - these are all “sides” in the sense that I have a feeling many people missed these developments.
  2. How to support: If you enjoy my work, please consider becoming a patron. I do this to keep track and will never hide behind a paywall, but these projects take a lot of time and effort to create. Even a couple of dollars a month helps. Since someone asked a few weeks ago (thank you!), here's a PayPal option
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Let’s dig in!
Since the coronavirus was the one big story last week, I’m going to do away with the “Main Course” division this week - these are all “sides” in the sense that I have a feeling many people missed these developments.

Biden-probe subpoena

Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) canceled a planned vote to issue a subpoena in its investigation into Hunter Biden and his work in Ukraine. Johnson informed the committee that instead of subpoenaing former consultant Andrii Telizhenko, he will issue a subpoena to the Democratic public relations firm he worked for: Blue Star Strategies.
Although Johnson said the subpoena vote was canceled to give senators time to “receive additional briefings,” a Ukrainian source (Chief editor of The Odessa Review Vladislav Davidzon) told CNN that the subject of the subpoena, Telizhenko, offered him cash to lobby Republican politicians to speak out against Ukraine’s anti-corruption efforts - specifically Ukrainian lawmaker’s attempts to censure two media networks for “broadcasting Russian propaganda.”
In October 2018, the same month that lawmakers voted in favor of a resolution to sanction the two stations, Telizhenko wrote to Davidzon, asking: "Have a question do you or your father have contacts with US Senators? I really need a favour for witch (sic) I can pay up to 5k."
...After expressing concerns about how the new Ukrainian proposals could shut the broadcasters down, Telizhenko then says: “My question is is it possible to get an official comment on a Senators (Rand Paul, Lindsey Graham for example) website next week about this situation of censorship in Ukraine? Really important for me and need fast.”
Ranking member on the committee, Sen. Gary Peters, opposed subpoenaing Telizhenko because he warned that the investigation could be tainted by Russian disinformation. The revelation that Telizhenko has indeed worked for Russian interests seems to substantiate his concerns.

Politicizing intelligence

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence provided its first briefing to Congress since the previous DNI, Joseph Maguire, was fired by Trump for allowing his aide to tell Congress that Russia was acting to boost his re-election chances. The current acting-DNI, Ric Grenell, backed out of briefing Congress himself, reportedly because he did not want to discuss issues that make President Trump angry. Instead, his office was represented by William Evanina, the top counterintelligence official at the ODNI.
The latest briefing provided information contradictory to Maguire’s briefing, confusing and frustrating House members. Grenell’s office told Congress that the Kremlin is not “directly aiding any candidate’s re-election or any other candidates’ election.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer reportedly confronted the ODNI officials, accusing them of politicizing critical intelligence and providing insufficient and contradictory information about Russia’s interference.

Russia ramps up interference

While the Trump administration continues to hide and spin intelligence, the media reports that Russia continues to interfere in the U.S. political system. According to seven current officials, the Kremlin is increasing efforts to inflame racial tensions in America as part of its ongoing operation to influence the November elections.
...Now, Russia is also trying to influence white supremacist groups, the officials said; they gave few details, but one official said federal investigators are examining how at least one neo-Nazi organization with ties to Russia is funded. Other Russian efforts, which American intelligence agencies have tracked, involve simply prodding white nationalists to more aggressively spread hate messages and amplifying their invective. Russian operatives are also trying to push black extremist groups toward violence...
Last week, Facebook and Twitter announced they had discovered a Russian-led network of professional trolls outsourced to operatives in Ghana and Nigeria. The network’s 71 Twitter accounts, 49 Facebook accounts, and 85 Instagram accounts were removed.
“These 71 removed accounts, operating out of Ghana and Nigeria and which we can reliably associate with Russia, attempted to sow discord by engaging in conversations about social issues, like race and civil rights,” said Twitter’s safety team in a statement.
Senate Democrats, including Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, sent a letter requesting that the EU introduce additional sanctions against “Putin’s Chef” Yevgeny Prighozin to deter him and the Kremlin from interfering in elections this year.
“As the presidential election in the United States draws closer, our concerns about foreign interference have intensified...The U.S. and European Union should be unified in facing this common threat and take concrete measures to isolate this malign actor and his affiliated firms. This includes sanctions, but also a joint diplomatic approach to urge that countries avoid engaging with Mr. Prigozhin, Wagner and any other organization associated with him."

Purge continues

Acting-DNI Ric Grenell imposed a hiring freeze at the ODNI starting last week, ordering a review of the agency’s personnel and mission:
Some current and former officials said they saw the effort as an attempt to oust intelligence officers who disagreed politically with Mr. Trump. Those officials questioned why Mr. Grenell, in the job temporarily, would undertake a large-scale reorganization, particularly one that previous directors had considered but put aside…Kashyap Patel, an aide in the director’s office who was transferred last month from the White House [and former aide to Representative Devin Nunes], is involved in the review…
The White House is also holding up the nomination of Kathryn Wheelbarger for one of the Pentagon’s top intelligence jobs because she is not considered sufficiently loyal to Trump. Wheelbarger, who has been serving as acting assistant secretary of Defense for international security affairs since November 2018, is nominated to become the deputy undersecretary of Defense for intelligence.
The post that Wheelbarger would fill is one of 21 senior positions at the Pentagon that are empty or filled on a temporary basis, a record high for the Trump administration.
In the middle of a global pandemic, one of the lead response agencies is losing its chief: Mark Green is set to resign from the U.S. Agency for International Development at the end of the month. Green will be replaced by USAID Deputy Administrator Bonnie Glick, a Trump loyalist.

FEC nominee confirmation

Last Tuesday, the Senate held a confirmation hearing for Trump’s nominee to the Federal Election Commission, James “Trey” Trainor. It’s been over two years since Trainor was first nominated to fill the seat left empty by Republican Commissioner Lee Goodman in 2018. Then, last year, the commission’s vice chairman, Matthew Petersen, resigned, leaving only three members in place. The FEC needs a minimum of four members to take actions like investigating campaign finance violations, enforcing rules, and issuing fines.
Trainor is a controversial nominee with a history of advancing partisan gerrymandering and past work for Trump. After the Supreme Court invalidated a key part of the Voting Rights Act, Trainor worked with gerrymandering expert and Republican strategist Thomas Hofeller to successfully implement redistricting maps in Texas that were previously ruled to be discriminatory. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said the following at Tuesday’s hearing:
“He has worked closely with Thomas Hofeller, notorious for masterminding Republican gerrymandering schemes, to redraw maps that significantly disenfranchise minority voters at the local level. Mr. Trainor’s former law firm described him as being ‘intimately involved’ in Texas’s 2003 redistricting, which the Supreme Court deemed in violation of the Voting Rights Act. Mr. Trainor has argued the Voting Rights Act has become a political tool.”
Schumer also quoted Trainor as saying in 2017 that political donations should be anonymous.
“The Republicans have nominated someone who wants to roll back Citizens United, which the overwhelming majority of the American people support, public disclosure of who’s giving,” Schumer said, adding: “It’s amazing.”
Trainor faced pressure to recuse himself from overseeing any campaign finance matters involving Trump, because he served as a legal adviser on Trump’s 2016 campaign team. Ranking Senate Rules and Administration Committee Member Amy Klobuchar pressed Trainor:
“So you’re not going to just recuse yourself from the beginning on a Trump matter?” Klobuchar asked, visibly surprised.
“No, not as a blanket recusal, and I don’t think that there is anyone at the commission currently who has a blanket recusal,” Trainor said. “I think we should all follow the same rules and guidelines.”

Judges finally speak out

U.S District Judge Lynn Adelman, of Wisconsin, published an article in the Harvard Law and Policy Review titled “The Roberts Court's Assault on Democracy.” Adelman takes Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts to task for joining the court’s hard right justices in “undermining American democracy” by “carrying out a sustained assault on the right of poor people and minorities to vote” and “reinforcing the enormous imbalance in wealth and political power that has developed in recent decades.”
He described Roberts' 2005 Senate confirmation testimony as "misleading" and declared that "the Roberts Court has contributed to insuring that the political system in the United States pays little attention to ordinary Americans and responds only to the wishes of a relatively small number of powerful corporations and individuals."
Adelman also attacks President Trump for helping the Republican party continue policies that worsen wealth inequality:
Although he ran as a populist and promised to promote policies that benefited ordinary people, upon taking office Trump almost entirely reversed course. He appointed mostly wealthy far-right Republicans and their supporters to his cabinet and to key positions in his administration… Trump also supported a tax bill that provided big benefits to the country’s largest corporations and wealthiest individuals and virtually nothing to the majority of American taxpayers.
...Because Congressional Republicans depend on a relatively small number of wealthy donors to stay in power, their major public policy goal is to do whatever makes such donors happy.
Last week, another prominent member of the judicial community publicly blasted the Chief Justice: Former Hawaii District Judge for 27 years James Dannenberg submitted his resignation from the Supreme Court Bar to Roberts. In a public letter, Dannenberg criticized Roberts for “allowing the Court to become an ‘errand boy’ for an administration that has little respect for the rule of law.”
“I have been a member of the Supreme Court Bar since 1972, far longer than you have,” Dannenberg’s letter to Roberts begins.
The Court, under your leadership and with your votes, has wantonly flouted established precedent. Your “conservative” majority has cynically undermined basic freedoms by hypocritically weaponizing others… More than a score of decisions during your tenure have overturned established precedents—some more than forty years old– and you voted with the majority in most. There is nothing “conservative” about this trend. This is radical “legal activism” at its worst.
...The only constitutional freedoms ultimately recognized may soon be limited to those useful to wealthy, Republican, White, straight, Christian, and armed males— and the corporations they control. This is wrong. Period. This is not America.
...I no longer have respect for you or your majority, and I have little hope for change. I can’t vote you out of office because you have life tenure, but I can withdraw whatever insignificant support my Bar membership might seem to provide.

Important court rulings

McGahn and border wall
The full bench of the powerful D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals announced on Friday that it will rehear the House’s appeal for Don McGahn’s testimony, vacating the three-judge panel’s previous ruling that judges can’t resolve subpoena disputes between the executive branch and Congress. Arguments are set for April 28.
The same court will also take on the House’s challenge of Trump’s emergency declaration to use over $6 billion of federal funds to fund his southern border wall even though Congress only appropriated $1.375 billion. Trump-appointed judge Trevor McFadden dismissed the House’s initial lawsuit last year.
Mueller’s grand jury
In a 2-1 ruling, a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled that the Justice Department must allow Congress access to secret material collected by Mueller’s grand jury in its Russian interference investigation. Judges Judith Rogers and Thomas Griffith - Clinton and W. Bush appointees, respectively - found that the House’s impeachment investigation is a legal judicial process that exempts Congress from secrecy rules that typically shield grand jury materials. The Appeals Court decision can be appealed to the Supreme Court.
Trump appointee Judge Neomi Rao dissented, saying the House did have legal grounds to ask the court to enforce the subpoena since the impeachment investigation has ended. Rao has taken Trump’s side in virtually every case she’s heard.
it’s hard not to see the trap Rao has built around Congress. Her Mazars opinion claims that Congress has only one path it can use to investigate President Trump. Then, when Congress traveled down the very same path that Rao identified in Mazars, Judge Rao invents a new limit — suggesting that Congress may only get one shot at an impeachment inquiry. Moreover, as Tatel suggests in the Mazars majority opinion, Rao appears to have invented the constitutional limit she placed on congressional investigations out of thin air.
The Atlantic’s David Frum wrote that Rao’s Mazars dissent was “wild talk that would shut down almost all congressional investigations.” Maybe that’s the point — at least as long as Trump is in the White House.
Food stamp cuts
Friday evening, U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell issued an injunction preventing the Trump administration from implementing a rule change that would force nearly 700,000 Americans off food stamps.
"Especially now, as a global pandemic poses widespread health risks, guaranteeing that government officials at both the federal and state levels have flexibility to address the nutritional needs of residents and ensure their well-being through programs like SNAP, is essential," Howell wrote.

Trump cases

The Washington Post reported that District Court Judge Lorna Schofield ordered Trump and his three adult children to “search through 15 years of business records for materials that could inform a lawsuit alleging they profited by promoting a marketing scam targeting vulnerable investors.”
Trump is being sued by four people who say they were duped into joining the multilevel marketing company ACN years ago because of his endorsement. The suit characterizes ACN as a pyramid scheme and accuses Trump of having made misleading claims as a paid pitchman prior to his presidency. All four say they suffered financially as a result.
...In this case, unlike in others, he has not asserted presidential immunity as a defense, and his legal team has already turned over a number of documents.
Atlantic City officials announced they will soon be filing an injunction in Superior Court to demolish the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino tower because it is an “imminent hazard.” The city’s mayor, Mary Small, told the press that chunks of the building’s concrete and stucco facade are actively raining onto nearby streets.
“We could have had a fatality,” Small said. “Things will not be tolerated in the city of Atlantic City.”
The crumbling building has been owned by billionaire and Trump-ally Carl Icahn since 2016, though it has been closed since 2014.
Icahn endorsed Trump for president in 2016 and financially supported his campaign. Icahn also served as special economic adviser on financial regulation to Trump briefly in 2017, leaving amid concerns of conflicts of interest. In one of many concerning incidents, it was reported that stock for CVR Energy, in which Icahn has 82% ownership, doubled after President Trump's election, increasing $455 million in value.
  • Don’t miss: Teen models, powerful men and private dinners: when Trump hosted Look of the Year. “In the early 90s, Donald Trump judged the world’s biggest modelling competition - since hit by allegations of abuse… The stories we have heard suggest that Casablancas, and some of the men in his orbit, used the contest to engage in sexual relationships with vulnerable young models. Some of these allegations amount to sexual harassment, abuse or exploitation of teenage girls; others are more accurately described as rape.”

Trump profiting off presidency: Week 164

  • CNN: Hotels, clubs and restaurants owned by Trump or bearing his name have billed various federal agencies and personnel more than $1 million since he became the Republican nominee for president...About half of the documented expenses involve the U.S. Secret Service, which has been charged more than $600,000 by various Trump properties between September 2016 and August 2019.
  • CREW: Taxpayers paid President Trump’s Doonbeg resort $15,144.94 for Secret Service lodging during Vice President Mike Pence’s September 2019 trip to Ireland… We can now say definitively that Pence’s detour not only cost taxpayers extra due to large transportation costs, but also that the bill subsidized one of Trump’s struggling businesses.
  • CREW: On March 7, less than two weeks after President Trump returned from an official visit to India, the business he still owns and profits from made an announcement: it would now ship Trump-branded products to India. This appears to be a clear violation of the Trump family’s pledge of no new foreign business during the Trump presidency, and an invitation for corruption... India is joined on the announcement by Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Scotland (which we must note is still technically part of the United Kingdom) and Germany.
  • ProPublica: The Trump Organization paid bribes, through middlemen, to New York City tax assessors to lower its property tax bills for several Manhattan buildings in the 1980s and 1990s, according to five former tax assessors and city employees as well as a former Trump Organization employee. Two of the five city employees said they personally took bribes to lower the assessment on a Trump property; the other three said they had indirect knowledge of the payments.
  • New York Times summarized by HuffPo: President Donald Trump’s campaign manager is quietly channeling money to Eric Trump’s wife, Lara Trump, and Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle… The family benefits are linked to a network of politically connected private companies — operating with the support and help of Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner — that have charged roughly $75 million since 2017 to the Trump reelection campaign, the Republican National Committee and other Republican clients

States, elections, and environment

  • Ecowatch: A federal judge in Alaska ruled late Wednesday against a Trump administration plan to open 1.8 million acres of America's largest national forest to logging. The Forest Service plan targeted part of the Tongass National Forest on Prince of Wales Island.
  • Press release: The Center for Biological Diversity sued the Trump administration today for failing to decide whether 241 plants and animals across the country — from the Midwest’s golden-winged warbler to Venus flytraps in the Carolinas — should be protected under the Endangered Species Act. The lawsuit, filed in district court in Washington, D.C., is one of the largest ever under the Act and seeks to undo years of illegal inaction by the Trump administration.
  • NYT: A New York man who threatened to kill Representative Ilhan Omar in a hate-filled call to her office was sentenced to a year and a day in prison… Mr. Carlineo admitted to making the threatening call, and described himself as a patriot who loved Mr. Trump and hated “radical Muslims in our government,” according to the criminal complaint.
  • ProPublica: The Republican National Committee has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to contractors closely connected to the organization’s chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel. One contract went to her husband’s insurance company. Two others went to businesses whose executives recently donated to Ronna for Chair, a largely inactive political action committee that McDaniel controls.
  • CNN and NYT: Infowars founder and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was arrested in Texas on a charge of driving while intoxicated… [Also,] The New York State attorney general has issued a cease-and-desist order to Alex Jones, the conservative radio host, alarmed by false claims on his website that his diet supplements and toothpaste could be used to fight the coronavirus.

Immigration news

  • Politico: Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Tuesday he was unaware of any indication from his agency that physical barriers along America’s borders would help halt the spread of the coronavirus in the U.S. — contradicting an assertion President Donald Trump made earlier in the day.
  • The Guardian: Doctors are concerned the spread of coronavirus to the US’s prison-like immigration detention centers is inevitable and will hit a system blighted by overcrowding and medical negligence… Dr Josiah Rich, an epidemiologist at Brown University, said one tool the US government has to prevent the spread of coronavirus is to release some of the 43,990 people in immigration detention, while their legal cases are being processed. People are held in these detention centers for civil immigration violations, not criminal charges, and the government can release them unless they are considered a danger to the community.
  • NPR: The U.S. Supreme Court delivered the Trump administration another win on one of its signature immigration policies on Wednesday, allowing it to continue the controversial "Remain in Mexico" policy across the entire southern border. The policy, officially called the Migrant Protection Protocols, requires asylum seekers to wait in Mexico for their day in U.S. immigration court. That has led to roughly 60,000 migrants getting sent back across the border since MPP was first implemented in January 2019.
  • NPR: Hundreds of asylum-seekers who reach the Texas-Mexico border aren't getting a chance to make their case in U.S. immigration court. Instead, the migrants — mostly women and children — are put on planes to Guatemala and told to ask for asylum in that country.
  • CNN: In explosive audio obtained through the work of a leading human rights group and released by CNN, a Trump administration attorney is heard finally admitting what experts and advocates have been insisting from the start: Remain in Mexico, the administration policy forcing tens of thousands of vulnerable asylum-seekers to wait for their U.S. immigration court dates in Mexico, is in fact dangerous.
    • “I think what I’m hearing from the government is, and I’ll be honest, I don’t like it,” the judge said, according to the audio. “What I’m hearing is, that well everybody has to take that risk and that chance, and you get kidnapped, you get kidnapped, that’s the risk you take for being in Mexico, and wanting to apply for asylum here in the United States … I don’t think it’s humane. But we’re talking about human beings and lives. It’s not a piece of paper in my opinion. And I really don’t like what I just heard.”
  • Washington Post: Pregnant woman dies after falling from border wall, a sign of migrants’ desperation… A year ago, during the height of the family migration surge, the couple probably would have tried to turn themselves in to seek asylum, he said. But an array of new restrictions imposed by the Trump administration is driving border-crossers to take more risks, migrant advocates say.
submitted by rusticgorilla to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

Kate posts a copy of her interview with AOTC to her website, to let Manukau know who she is

(To start with: massive props to Eels, who interviewed me. As this is also going up as an extra to his paper, this is from his perspective. Huge thanks, mate, couldn't do it without you.) A picture from the event, to set the scene
On Tuesday, at her own request I met the Green Party rising star Captain_Plat_2258 for an interview. Known as Kate to those near her, Miss Plat only entered frontline politics in the past couple of weeks, but has already made a name for herself, being mentioned by both Green Party co-leaders in my interviews with them last week as one to watch. Going into the interview, I had many questions to ask Miss Plat, about her background, about her inspirations, about her current priorities, and about the shape of her career going forward. The Kate that I met was a confident one, proud of her past work as a campaigner for the Prime Minister and as a judge. She is a humble character, but you can see a fiery ambition in her. She entered politics to change things and wishes to have a platform to effect such change.
While being very new to frontline politics, Miss Plat is generally thought rather highly of amongst the Whatsapp chats and off the record conversations, and she has fitted in well. Personally, I am gratified that she is one of few parliamentarians to appreciate all my references, and she admitted to me late in the interview that she was also partial to the Arctic Monkeys. For this alone, she’s gained my great respect and friendship.
I was joined in the Information Action Ratio with the Green Party candidate for Manukau, Captain_Plat_2258, Known colloquially as Kate. As she walked in through the door, she couldn’t help but stop and tell me that she appreciated the reference I made in calling the bar by this name. She arrives wearing a casual suit; red blazer, black trousers and shoes, and a green-party-green t-shirt. She has made a name for herself as an up and coming member of the Green Party. I greet her with a how do you do?
Confidently, Miss Plat replies “Wonderfully, eels, thank you for having me.”
I jump right into it with a question about her background: “Miss Plat, you’re a new arrival to the political scene, at least nationally. Were you involved in local politics at all before moving to the national stage?”
It turns out that she has quite an impressive career behind her: “Thanks for the question. When I was attending Auckland University I was involved in the Young Greens and actually ended up helping out with The Prime Minister’s first Manukau run, and a couple of local council elections. When I left University I did volunteer work for Amnesty International for a bit alongside my job as a legal aid and public defence lawyer, and that basically catches us up to today.”
I asked her why she has decided to switch her life from that of the lawyer and enter politics. She replied very characteristically that she wanted to change things, and for that she needed a national voice
“Well the thing that really got me into politics was the 2016 Presidential Election in the United States. It worried me, the 45th President, Mr Trump worried me, and it kind of opened my eyes to the fact that this world of ours isn't perfect and there's a lot to do. It was really at that point that I decided I wanted to be involved in improving the world in some way. Hence the activism, and the Young Greens membership. The idea to run as a Green candidate was actually sparked by the election of the current Greens government though, I looked at all of their policies and of the political movement that they were a part of and I decided that I wanted to be a part of that. I wanted to advocate for the ideas that had started my interest in politics in the first place on a national level.”
This leads neatly into my next question, which was why she’d decided to join the Green Party. From her answer, it seemed like the obvious choice.
“Well I'd been a member of the Young Greens in University, and rejoined them a little bit after the election of the current Coalition Government. There are a couple of reasons why, but chiefly among them is that - in my observation - the Green Party has fought for the issues I believe in the most throughout their entire existence. They've advocated for compassionate government, for a society that values people more equally and props up our vulnerable the most. They represent a shift in thinking throughout Aotearoa, towards a culture that values all of those who live here and believes that they all deserve a good and happy life. Most of if not all the policies they platformed last election lined up very well with my own ideals.”
I change tack a bit, noting that her entry into the fray is at a good time so to speak. The last edition of the Ascension of the Cream predicted a 10 seat Green Party at the election, and everyone is expecting a Green victory. And now, we see a young firebrand enter the Green Party and get selected to stand for election to Parliament. I put this to her: “So you joined frontline politics only a couple of weeks ago. An election is coming up where the Greens are predicted to do quite well. Is there any ulterior motive in the timing of this entry?”
Her reply was that this was the earliest that she could join, as judged by the other things going on in her busy life, and she didn’t seem to suggest that she joined for the election.
“Well I actually considered running in the last election, but I simply couldn't find the time. I was working on an important case, and there was simply no time for politics outside of my Amnesty work back then - which was consuming most of my free time outside of the office and courtroom. Over this term a lot of pressure has been taken off of both my legal work and my volunteer work, ironically because of the measures the government has taken and their positive impact. It was a lot of good work though, and I hope to continue to support such causes in government.” She then turned to her prospects for being an MP. “As for Manukau, it's going to be a fairly close race. If I was being opportunistic, I could easily have asked to run for a different electorate with less of a fight. This campaign is about representation, and progressive values. I have no intention to be just another politician.” Captain_Plat_2258 is not widely expected to win her seat of Manukau, but current polling shows that it is still very much up in the air, with her having made significant inroads into the electorate in recent polls, putting her 9 points behind the Leader of the Opposition, but is expected to enter Parliament either way, being placed at #6 on the national list.
My next question asks about incorporating her past experiences into her current work:” Can we expect any of your courtroom experience to be brought to bear in Parliament next term?”
Her answer was firmly a yes and no type response. “Oh yes, I intend to work closely with the Minister for Justice to deliver a more fair and rehabilitating legal system in any way that I can. But most of my passion actually lies in the area of social development and public services, as I may have hinted at in my campaign opener and in response to your third question about why I got involved in the Greens. My work outside of politics has shown me that it is incredibly important for the government to pay consideration to the less well-off in society.”
I decide to ask her about her ambitions. Her initial reply was the standard politician's anwer, so I spend some time pursuing this line of inquiry.
“In my interview with the Prime Minister yesterday, they mentioned you by name as a rising star in the party. Do you see yourself as such, and do you have ambitions within the party?”
“Well I'm very flattered by the comments from the Prime Minister, and I want to make something clear. My ambitions in politics are entirely based on doing the most good I can - continuing the causes I advocated in my work before politics. The path forward for me will be built based on what will achieve that. Right now, that looks like it'll be with the Green party considering all they have achieved and have pledged to achieve. But my ambitions aren't based on party politics, they're based on progressive ideas. If the Green party continues on the road it's going down, then I will continue working with them and advocating for them as long as they do.”
I push her further “Would you take a cabinet spot if it was offered?”
“I would and would be very grateful, but I would do so in areas I have experience with. I'm unlikely to take a position as the Minister for Defence or the Minister for Health, they aren't areas I have experience with. I believe to do the most good I must be in an area that I am knowledgeable in and have qualifications for.”
“If Mr Meatloaf resigns as Co-Leader in the near future, would you run?”
Miss Plat suggests she would: “Well it's very situational, but it's definitely a possibility I'll leave open. The current leadership is part of what re-sparked my interest in national politics, and I would be honoured to be a part of that. It would also certainly be a way for me to ensure the party continues to advocate the causes I believe in, for obvious reasons. But I'm not rooting for Mr Meatloaf to step down any time soon, he’s doing a lot of good work and I support him in it.”
I ask her if this is all sustainable” You’re very active at the moment, nobody can deny it. And by what people are saying in the political Whatsapp groups, you’ve fitted in well. Are you at any risk of burnout if you continue at this pace?”
She replies with characteristic vigour: “Oh I doubt it, a couple years in legal aid and you can withstand anything. But I think what makes this a really comfortable position for me is that it doesn't feel like shouting at a brick wall. The people of New Zealand are enthusiastic about this movement that we're a part of, they show that in the way they vote. So what keeps me going is that I feel like I have the people of Aotearoa behind me. It's really a wonderful feeling, seeing changes you've hoped for since you were just going into University being implemented with the support of the people.”
I return now to a previous line of inquiry, about why she should be elected on her first try, and whether the electorate should trust her right now: “Is a fresh face really what’s needed for New Zealand at the moment? Or should we be seeing you as a danger: an untested radical being swept into parliament in an election predicted to be a Green landslide?”
With a grin, she replied: “Well you may predict my answer here, but I think a fresh face is absolutely needed. As for being tested, I think this Manukau election will be a bit of a trial by fire for me. I'm going up against the Leader of the Opposition and he's technically an incumbent given he was the MP for Tamaki, most of which became Manukau. It's absolutely a winnable election, but it'll take more than the broad support for the Green party to win it for me.” Then she hit back at me for calling her a radical, staunchly defending her position as a young firebrand: “ As for 'radical', I'd say that in my case radical is good. A lot of the reforms the Greens have made could be called 'radical', but they've genuinely benefited the people of Aotearoa. I think radical changes can be good, as long as you have a very clear idea of what their impact will be and how to keep the country stable while they happen. Some of the greatest changes in our history were fairly radical at the time.”
“In the end it all depends on the will of the people, and if the people of Manukau decide they want me then I welcome their support. And I think the people of Manukau will welcome a fresh face, after years of National, ACT, and then Liberal MPs jumping in and out of the seat.”
I cheekily press her further. It is pretty clear from recent polling that Miss Plat is assured to enter Parliament, but I want to hear her answer: “If you’re not elected in Manukau, you’re #6 on the list. Do you expect to win a list seat?”
Her answer was as humble as it was confident, and she reiterated her love for her local area and restated that she wished to represent it: “Well it's hard to say, I'm in a good position on the list which I'm very thankful for but there are a lot of parties all which have pretty good levels of support. We're very likely to win the election, but whether or not I get into Parliament could come down to Manukau. And to be honest, I'd prefer to win Manukau as an electorate than get into Parliament on a list. MMP is brilliant for giving all our residents proper representation in Parliament, more than FPP ever was. But I believe strongly in the power of local representation and hope to be that for the people of Manukau. But if I enter Parliament from the list or in my electorate I will advocate just as hard for the issues I believe matter.
I ask her about the makeup of the coming Parliament: “This is an election that’s harder than for a while to predict, with the creation of the Feminist Initiative and Forwards!, as well as a plausible intervention from later_slater1407 in Ikaroa-Rāwhiti. How do you expect parliament to end up, and who would you be happy to see in coalition?”
Her reply yielded an interesting view into the inner thoughts of Green Party members. While her party leaders tried their best to hide their plans, Captain_Plat was quite happy fo volunteer her thoughts on the matter: “Well I would be very happy to see a return of the current government, but I think the Feminist Intiative is also a party to consider. Labour is a loyal supporter, but they are sometimes unpredictable and I believe that the Feminists would be just as strong to advocate for progressive issues as them if they were needed. If the Feminist Initiative offers it, I imagine we would be very open to a Confidence and Supply arrangement even in the likely even that Labour stays with us, because it would make pushing for progressive reforms easier and because I believe their party brings an interesting set of policies to the table. It really does all come down to the election results, and what Labour wants to do. My prediction is Labour returning to the number of seats they had at dissolution (4), and us with either the same or some gains. It really is unpredictable though, this early into the campaign.”
I ask the question I seem to be asking everyone these days: “Would you be open to working with the Kiwi Party?”
She answered me straight:” I would, but for obvious reasons they're not as close to my personal ideology as Labour or the Feminist Initiative. I do believe that they as a party are genuine in that they really do want to help New Zealanders, we simply disagree on the ways that can actually be done. But even outside of a formal Coalition, I think there are many points we can work with Kiwi to get positive changes. Government is sometimes about pushing your own policies, and it's sometimes about seeking across-the-aisle support.”
I return to another earlier line of inquiry about her power in the party: “Changing tack a bit, how much influence do you have in the party? Did anything you proposed make it in the manifesto for example?”
She was well trained and didn’t give me much. “I don't think I could say I have any more influence in the party than anyone else, I just think the Greens leadership is wonderfully open to new ideas and there's a very positive atmosphere when we discuss policy. There are many points on which they took my suggestions, and I was very open to their feedback as well. It doesn't so much feel, in the moment, like a junior party member sending proposals to leadership - it feels much more like an open discussion where we can all contribute and work to a consensus. So it's not so much about my influence, the Green party is just a very comfortable workplace.”
Unsatisfied by this answer I pushed a little further but she wouldn’t budge. “Are there any policies you wrote that made it into the manifesto?”
“Well now, I can't say too much but there are a couple points about reversing undue privatisation and increasing public service funding that I contributed to”
“Aren’t you proud of your policies?” I ask, trying to get some policy out of her. I get more than I had previously
“I am very much proud of my policies, but at the time of this interview the manifesto hasn't been officially released yet so I can't say too much. My main contribution to it involved reversing the 2014 partial-privatisations of utility companies, and I also contributed to improvements to the system by which we calculate minimum wage and benefit rates. You'll see it all when ARichTeaBiscuit releases the manifesto.”
My parting shot on this matter was a snarky one, and seemed to make Kate feel a little guilty: “I’m also happy to pass up the opportunity to cover your policy.”
I change the subject. “Who would you regard as your main political inspirations?”
This is a question Miss Plat has a quick and detailed answer to, almost as if she has been waiting for it. Again she seems to me more inspired by American politics than domestic: “Well that's an easy one, Bernie Sanders is my biggest inspiration. I was gutted by his losses, but he had a hard fought campaign that really put people at the forefront of considerations - reminding me of another one of my inspirations, the 1935 Prime Minister Michael Joseph Savage. I also draw inspiration from such people as Alexandria Ocasio Cortez; a representation of progressive values for many people everywhere. Seeing women like that in politics gives me a lot of hope for the progressive fight. I have great respect for people with the guts to stand against overwhelming odds because they care about people. m: sorry about the policy thing, not sure when the manifesto is released and I want it to be a big announcement when it comes”
I ask her for her domestic inspirations
“Well, as I mentioned I very much admire Michael Joseph Savage. More recently though, when I was younger I experienced two particularly amazing women; Helen Clark and Jacinda Ardern. Now, they don't align with me as closely as the first inspirations I mentioned on a policy level, but they had a net-positive impact on this country and they were both very wonderful people. They represented empathy in politics, to me, and while my older self knows they didn't make as many radical changes as I may have liked - my younger self saw them and it said to me 'politicians can be caring and kind'. They were also both women in power, something that only really started happening during and just before my lifetime; in New Zealand that is.”
I decide to push her a little more on the policy question: “Assuming you do become an MP, what would be your personal priorities in the role?”
This time I at least get a consistent vision for her: “A focus on income inequality reduction and the strengthening of our public services. Things that will really benefit the 'bottom 90%' of people. as it were. The people are the most important thing to focus on as a politician, at least for me. They are what you're meant to be working for, so they're who I intend to work for.”
I can’t help but push further, but I come up short. “Any bills you wish to give your name to?”
“Well it really depends on what happens at the time, but in the likely event that bills that focus on areas related to my last answer come up then I will likely jump to sponsor or even help author them.”
I decide that the interview has now run its course, so I close up with a softball: “Alright Miss Plat, I know you are a busy woman, so I won’t keep you too much longer. Final question: What’s your favourite album?”
She seems pleased at this. “Heh heh, what a difficult question. Given my surroundings I wanna say it's tied between The Kills - Blood Pressures and Arctic Monkeys - Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino but choosing favourites is so very difficult in music and if you asked me on any other day of the week I might respond completely differently.
I can’t help but fanboy over the Arctic Monkeys myself: “I get you. As you may guess from all the references in my paper, I’m a great fan of the Arctic Monkeys but I can never tell you which is my favourite out of their albums. Probably Whatever People Say I am, That’s What I’m Not” or Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino. Good times. Anyway, Good Day Miss Plat, it’s been a pleasure
She replies with an acceptable response: “Good day to you too, it was lovely to be here.”
submitted by Captain_Plat_2258 to MNZPElection11 [link] [comments]

Ascension of the Cream Special Article 1 - 16th April 2020 - An interview with Captain_Plat_2258

This is a one-off article that is being released in online format only initially, but will be featured in the next article for the sake of clarity. Captain_Plat_2258 requested this interview as a part of her campaign, and as such I have given her permission to post it on her website in addition to publication here
here is an image taken at the interview. The caption refers to my talking off the record about the state of my garden, and does not pertain to the interview
On Tuesday, at her own request I met the Green Party rising star Captain_Plat_2258 for an interview. Known as Kate to those near her, Miss Plat only entered frontline politics in the past couple of weeks, but has already made a name for herself, being mentioned by both Green Party co-leaders in my interviews with them last week as one to watch. Going into the interview, I had many questions to ask Miss Plat, about her background, about her inspirations, about her current priorities, and about the shape of her career going forward. The Kate that I met was a confident one, proud of her past work as a campaigner for the Prime Minister and as a judge. She is a humble character, but you can see a fiery ambition in her. She entered politics to change things and wishes to have a platform to effect such change.
While being very new to frontline politics, Miss Plat is generally thought rather highly of amongst the Whatsapp chats and off the record conversations, and she has fitted in well. Personally, I am gratified that she is one of few parliamentarians to appreciate all my references, and she admitted to me late in the interview that she was also partial to the Arctic Monkeys. For this alone, she’s gained my great respect and friendship.
I was joined in the Information Action Ratio with the Green Party candidate for Manukau, Captain_Plat_2258, Known colloquially as Kate. As she walked in through the door, she couldn’t help but stop and tell me that she appreciated the reference I made in calling the bar by this name. She arrives wearing a casual suit; red blazer, black trousers and shoes, and a green-party-green t-shirt. She has made a name for herself as an up and coming member of the Green Party. I greet her with a how do you do?
Confidently, Miss Plat replies “Wonderfully, eels, thank you for having me.”
I jump right into it with a question about her background: “Miss Plat, you’re a new arrival to the political scene, at least nationally. Were you involved in local politics at all before moving to the national stage?”
It turns out that she has quite an impressive career behind her: “Thanks for the question. When I was attending Auckland University I was involved in the Young Greens and actually ended up helping out with The Prime Minister’s first Manukau run, and a couple of local council elections. When I left University I did volunteer work for Amnesty International for a bit alongside my job as a legal aid and public defence lawyer, and that basically catches us up to today.”
I asked her why she has decided to switch her life from that of the lawyer and enter politics. She replied very characteristically that she wanted to change things, and for that she needed a national voice
“Well the thing that really got me into politics was the 2016 Presidential Election in the United States. It worried me, the 45th President, Mr Trump worried me, and it kind of opened my eyes to the fact that this world of ours isn't perfect and there's a lot to do. It was really at that point that I decided I wanted to be involved in improving the world in some way. Hence the activism, and the Young Greens membership. The idea to run as a Green candidate was actually sparked by the election of the current Greens government though, I looked at all of their policies and of the political movement that they were a part of and I decided that I wanted to be a part of that. I wanted to advocate for the ideas that had started my interest in politics in the first place on a national level.”
This leads neatly into my next question, which was why she’d decided to join the Green Party. From her answer, it seemed like the obvious choice.
“Well I'd been a member of the Young Greens in University, and rejoined them a little bit after the election of the current Coalition Government. There are a couple of reasons why, but chiefly among them is that - in my observation - the Green Party has fought for the issues I believe in the most throughout their entire existence. They've advocated for compassionate government, for a society that values people more equally and props up our vulnerable the most. They represent a shift in thinking throughout Aotearoa, towards a culture that values all of those who live here and believes that they all deserve a good and happy life. Most of if not all the policies they platformed last election lined up very well with my own ideals.”
I change tack a bit, noting that her entry into the fray is at a good time so to speak. The last edition of the Ascension of the Cream predicted a 10 seat Green Party at the election, and everyone is expecting a Green victory. And now, we see a young firebrand enter the Green Party and get selected to stand for election to Parliament. I put this to her: “So you joined frontline politics only a couple of weeks ago. An election is coming up where the Greens are predicted to do quite well. Is there any ulterior motive in the timing of this entry?”
Her reply was that this was the earliest that she could join, as judged by the other things going on in her busy life, and she didn’t seem to suggest that she joined for the election.
“Well I actually considered running in the last election, but I simply couldn't find the time. I was working on an important case, and there was simply no time for politics outside of my Amnesty work back then - which was consuming most of my free time outside of the office and courtroom. Over this term a lot of pressure has been taken off of both my legal work and my volunteer work, ironically because of the measures the government has taken and their positive impact. It was a lot of good work though, and I hope to continue to support such causes in government.” She then turned to her prospects for being an MP. “As for Manukau, it's going to be a fairly close race. If I was being opportunistic, I could easily have asked to run for a different electorate with less of a fight. This campaign is about representation, and progressive values. I have no intention to be just another politician.” Captain_Plat_2258 is not widely expected to win her seat of Manukau, but current polling shows that it is still very much up in the air, with her having made significant inroads into the electorate in recent polls, putting her 9 points behind the Leader of the Opposition, but is expected to enter Parliament either way, being placed at #6 on the national list.
My next question asks about incorporating her past experiences into her current work:” Can we expect any of your courtroom experience to be brought to bear in Parliament next term?”
Her answer was firmly a yes and no type response. “Oh yes, I intend to work closely with the Minister for Justice to deliver a more fair and rehabilitating legal system in any way that I can. But most of my passion actually lies in the area of social development and public services, as I may have hinted at in my campaign opener and in response to your third question about why I got involved in the Greens. My work outside of politics has shown me that it is incredibly important for the government to pay consideration to the less well-off in society.”
I decide to ask her about her ambitions. Her initial reply was the standard politician's anwer, so I spend some time pursuing this line of inquiry.
“In my interview with the Prime Minister yesterday, they mentioned you by name as a rising star in the party. Do you see yourself as such, and do you have ambitions within the party?”
“Well I'm very flattered by the comments from the Prime Minister, and I want to make something clear. My ambitions in politics are entirely based on doing the most good I can - continuing the causes I advocated in my work before politics. The path forward for me will be built based on what will achieve that. Right now, that looks like it'll be with the Green party considering all they have achieved and have pledged to achieve. But my ambitions aren't based on party politics, they're based on progressive ideas. If the Green party continues on the road it's going down, then I will continue working with them and advocating for them as long as they do.”
I push her further “Would you take a cabinet spot if it was offered?”
“I would and would be very grateful, but I would do so in areas I have experience with. I'm unlikely to take a position as the Minister for Defence or the Minister for Health, they aren't areas I have experience with. I believe to do the most good I must be in an area that I am knowledgeable in and have qualifications for.”
“If Mr Meatloaf resigns as Co-Leader in the near future, would you run?”
Miss Plat suggests she would: “Well it's very situational, but it's definitely a possibility I'll leave open. The current leadership is part of what re-sparked my interest in national politics, and I would be honoured to be a part of that. It would also certainly be a way for me to ensure the party continues to advocate the causes I believe in, for obvious reasons. But I'm not rooting for Mr Meatloaf to step down any time soon, he’s doing a lot of good work and I support him in it.”
I ask her if this is all sustainable” You’re very active at the moment, nobody can deny it. And by what people are saying in the political Whatsapp groups, you’ve fitted in well. Are you at any risk of burnout if you continue at this pace?”
She replies with characteristic vigour: “Oh I doubt it, a couple years in legal aid and you can withstand anything. But I think what makes this a really comfortable position for me is that it doesn't feel like shouting at a brick wall. The people of New Zealand are enthusiastic about this movement that we're a part of, they show that in the way they vote. So what keeps me going is that I feel like I have the people of Aotearoa behind me. It's really a wonderful feeling, seeing changes you've hoped for since you were just going into University being implemented with the support of the people.”
I return now to a previous line of inquiry, about why she should be elected on her first try, and whether the electorate should trust her right now: “Is a fresh face really what’s needed for New Zealand at the moment? Or should we be seeing you as a danger: an untested radical being swept into parliament in an election predicted to be a Green landslide?”
With a grin, she replied: “Well you may predict my answer here, but I think a fresh face is absolutely needed. As for being tested, I think this Manukau election will be a bit of a trial by fire for me. I'm going up against the Leader of the Opposition and he's technically an incumbent given he was the MP for Tamaki, most of which became Manukau. It's absolutely a winnable election, but it'll take more than the broad support for the Green party to win it for me.” Then she hit back at me for calling her a radical, staunchly defending her position as a young firebrand: “ As for 'radical', I'd say that in my case radical is good. A lot of the reforms the Greens have made could be called 'radical', but they've genuinely benefited the people of Aotearoa. I think radical changes can be good, as long as you have a very clear idea of what their impact will be and how to keep the country stable while they happen. Some of the greatest changes in our history were fairly radical at the time.”
“In the end it all depends on the will of the people, and if the people of Manukau decide they want me then I welcome their support. And I think the people of Manukau will welcome a fresh face, after years of National, ACT, and then Liberal MPs jumping in and out of the seat.”
I cheekily press her further. It is pretty clear from recent polling that Miss Plat is assured to enter Parliament, but I want to hear her answer: “If you’re not elected in Manukau, you’re #6 on the list. Do you expect to win a list seat?”
Her answer was as humble as it was confident, and she reiterated her love for her local area and restated that she wished to represent it: “Well it's hard to say, I'm in a good position on the list which I'm very thankful for but there are a lot of parties all which have pretty good levels of support. We're very likely to win the election, but whether or not I get into Parliament could come down to Manukau. And to be honest, I'd prefer to win Manukau as an electorate than get into Parliament on a list. MMP is brilliant for giving all our residents proper representation in Parliament, more than FPP ever was. But I believe strongly in the power of local representation and hope to be that for the people of Manukau. But if I enter Parliament from the list or in my electorate I will advocate just as hard for the issues I believe matter.
I ask her about the makeup of the coming Parliament: “This is an election that’s harder than for a while to predict, with the creation of the Feminist Initiative and Forwards!, as well as a plausible intervention from later_slater1407 in Ikaroa-Rāwhiti. How do you expect parliament to end up, and who would you be happy to see in coalition?”
Her reply yielded an interesting view into the inner thoughts of Green Party members. While her party leaders tried their best to hide their plans, Captain_Plat was quite happy fo volunteer her thoughts on the matter: “Well I would be very happy to see a return of the current government, but I think the Feminist Intiative is also a party to consider. Labour is a loyal supporter, but they are sometimes unpredictable and I believe that the Feminists would be just as strong to advocate for progressive issues as them if they were needed. If the Feminist Initiative offers it, I imagine we would be very open to a Confidence and Supply arrangement even in the likely even that Labour stays with us, because it would make pushing for progressive reforms easier and because I believe their party brings an interesting set of policies to the table. It really does all come down to the election results, and what Labour wants to do. My prediction is Labour returning to the number of seats they had at dissolution (4), and us with either the same or some gains. It really is unpredictable though, this early into the campaign.”
I ask the question I seem to be asking everyone these days: “Would you be open to working with the Kiwi Party?”
She answered me straight:” I would, but for obvious reasons they're not as close to my personal ideology as Labour or the Feminist Initiative. I do believe that they as a party are genuine in that they really do want to help New Zealanders, we simply disagree on the ways that can actually be done. But even outside of a formal Coalition, I think there are many points we can work with Kiwi to get positive changes. Government is sometimes about pushing your own policies, and it's sometimes about seeking across-the-aisle support.”
I return to another earlier line of inquiry about her power in the party: “Changing tack a bit, how much influence do you have in the party? Did anything you proposed make it in the manifesto for example?”
She was well trained and didn’t give me much. “I don't think I could say I have any more influence in the party than anyone else, I just think the Greens leadership is wonderfully open to new ideas and there's a very positive atmosphere when we discuss policy. There are many points on which they took my suggestions, and I was very open to their feedback as well. It doesn't so much feel, in the moment, like a junior party member sending proposals to leadership - it feels much more like an open discussion where we can all contribute and work to a consensus. So it's not so much about my influence, the Green party is just a very comfortable workplace.”
Unsatisfied by this answer I pushed a little further but she wouldn’t budge. “Are there any policies you wrote that made it into the manifesto?”
“Well now, I can't say too much but there are a couple points about reversing undue privatisation and increasing public service funding that I contributed to”
“Aren’t you proud of your policies?” I ask, trying to get some policy out of her. I get more than I had previously
“I am very much proud of my policies, but at the time of this interview the manifesto hasn't been officially released yet so I can't say too much. My main contribution to it involved reversing the 2014 partial-privatisations of utility companies, and I also contributed to improvements to the system by which we calculate minimum wage and benefit rates. You'll see it all when ARichTeaBiscuit releases the manifesto.”
My parting shot on this matter was a snarky one, and seemed to make Kate feel a little guilty: “I’m also happy to pass up the opportunity to cover your policy.”
I change the subject. “Who would you regard as your main political inspirations?”
This is a question Miss Plat has a quick and detailed answer to, almost as if she has been waiting for it. Again she seems to me more inspired by American politics than domestic: “Well that's an easy one, Bernie Sanders is my biggest inspiration. I was gutted by his losses, but he had a hard fought campaign that really put people at the forefront of considerations - reminding me of another one of my inspirations, the 1935 Prime Minister Michael Joseph Savage. I also draw inspiration from such people as Alexandria Ocasio Cortez; a representation of progressive values for many people everywhere. Seeing women like that in politics gives me a lot of hope for the progressive fight. I have great respect for people with the guts to stand against overwhelming odds because they care about people.
I ask her for her domestic inspirations
“Well, as I mentioned I very much admire Michael Joseph Savage. More recently though, when I was younger I experienced two particularly amazing women; Helen Clark and Jacinda Ardern. Now, they don't align with me as closely as the first inspirations I mentioned on a policy level, but they had a net-positive impact on this country and they were both very wonderful people. They represented empathy in politics, to me, and while my older self knows they didn't make as many radical changes as I may have liked - my younger self saw them and it said to me 'politicians can be caring and kind'. They were also both women in power, something that only really started happening during and just before my lifetime; in New Zealand that is.”
I decide to push her a little more on the policy question: “Assuming you do become an MP, what would be your personal priorities in the role?”
This time I at least get a consistent vision for her: “A focus on income inequality reduction and the strengthening of our public services. Things that will really benefit the 'bottom 90%' of people. as it were. The people are the most important thing to focus on as a politician, at least for me. They are what you're meant to be working for, so they're who I intend to work for.”
I can’t help but push further, but I come up short. “Any bills you wish to give your name to?”
“Well it really depends on what happens at the time, but in the likely event that bills that focus on areas related to my last answer come up then I will likely jump to sponsor or even help author them.”
I decide that the interview has now run its course, so I close up with a softball: “Alright Miss Plat, I know you are a busy woman, so I won’t keep you too much longer. Final question: What’s your favourite album?”
She seems pleased at this. “Heh heh, what a difficult question. Given my surroundings I wanna say it's tied between The Kills - Blood Pressures and Arctic Monkeys - Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino but choosing favourites is so very difficult in music and if you asked me on any other day of the week I might respond completely differently.
I can’t help but fanboy over the Arctic Monkeys myself: “I get you. As you may guess from all the references in my paper, I’m a great fan of the Arctic Monkeys but I can never tell you which is my favourite out of their albums. Probably Whatever People Say I am, That’s What I’m Not” or Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino. Good times. Anyway, Good Day Miss Plat, it’s been a pleasure
She replies with an acceptable response: “Good day to you too, it was lovely to be here.”
submitted by eelsemaj100 to ModelNZPressGallery [link] [comments]

ProperSix Recap and Overview (7)…

ProperSix Recap and Overview (7)…
Become part of the ProperSix Benefits Membership Club which creates a bridge to luxury brands around the world. There will be an annual fee for this membership, but well worth it to be granted access to exclusive products and opportunities. The ProperSix brand wants to offer 100 percent transparency and satisfaction guarantee to all end users.
  1. Prime events – ProperSix will offer exclusive events to all membership holders.
  2. Brand name events – Pair with partners around the globe, ProperSix partners will offer chances for club members to visit their various venues and stimulate a prime networking opportunity.
  3. World class hotels – With access to some of the best hotels around the world, expect to visit them first hand as an exclusive member with this company. This may be one of the best relaxation milestones presented by the company. Just imagine sitting down at a five star hotel while you enjoy a beautiful meal!
  4. VIP promotion – The final details have not been released by ProperSix, but I am sure it will be a fundamental time. I can only imagine opening up one of their brand name champagne bottles. From what I have read, about 600 of them have been produced for membership release!
  5. Member benefits – You will be granted chances to have some special membership products, such as a ProperSix watch for men or a beautifully designed purse for woman. The future benefits as the company grows will be unknown, but I can imagine they will be superior.
  6. Rewards – These will be offered to members throughout time, exclusive to ProperSix brand only.
  7. Transaction Card – Each member will have access to a Visa or Master Card with the trademarked Crypto to Fiat option. These types of cards will allow the user the ability to have key discounts linked the card offered around the world.
  8. Membership products – ProperSix will offer all members the chance to purchase beautifully designed products that they can use, which will offer added security against cyber threats occurring often on mobile devices. The “Voice over Internet Protocol” creates complete trust among users, while adding guaranteed privacy, since the user’s always keep the encrypted keys to the conversation. To mention, this is a multi-level encryption process, very similar to current day military security technology.
Profit generation is a very important characteristic for a company that is involved in product developments. The better quality of product associated with usefulness, theoretically has a higher number of sales. Also, remember that this company will offer an online Casino option. The amount of games and opportunity that lay in game development is still untapped revenues for ProperSix. The Pro6 token will steadily increase in value as the bottom line of this company increases. As a Pro6 token is roughly .01 USD at the time of this writing, can you imagine the growth of value within one to five years? It should be an amazing to witness! When you’re ready to spend you profits earned, ensure you keep the ProperSix card in your wallet. This allows the customer to change Pro6 tokens out for fiat currency, while using the card at any store internationally that allows credit card transactions. Versatility, trust, commitment to consumer, growth in crypto space and dedication are some excellent qualities being demonstrated by this team.
Author: Emperial
submitted by Emperial-11 to u/Emperial-11 [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Sep 25th - Tue, Oct 1st)

Tulsa's event list.


Wednesday, Sep 25th

  • 🎓 Bounce'n Beethovens (Owasso Library - Owasso) Thru Fri, Sep 27th Start Time: 6:30pm Children and parents explore music through movement and instruments as they play with egg shakers, bells, rhythm sticks, drums and maracas in this fun, interactive program. Registration is required as class size is limited. Register online or call 918-549-7323. Please register for only one Bounce'n Beethovens class per month. For ages birth-5.…
  • Discover Your Heritage with Genealogy DNA (Tulsa City County Library - Tulsa) Thru Fri, Sep 27th Start Time: 12:00pm One Book, One Tulsa Wednesday, Sept 25, 12-1 p.m. Jenks Library Friday, Sept 27, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Schusterman-Benson Library Join Liz Walker, Genealogy Resources Center associate, and discover options available for autosomal DNA testing and how a test can help adoptees, and compare what tools the different testing sites have to offer. For…
  • Food Truck Wednesdays (Guthrie Green - Tulsa) Every Wednesday, grab some tasty eats and gather on the grounds of Guthrie Green. During Food Truck Wednesdays, lunchtime…
  • 🎓 Tulsa Job Faur (Tulsa Renaissance Hotel & Convention Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:00am ATTN: Job Seekers! 100s of Jobs are up for grabs at the Tulsa Job Fair on September 25th! This is your opportunity to meet one-on-one with recruiters and hiring managers from some of the area’s best businesses who are now hiring for immediate openings!
    Whether you’re looking for an entry-level position or a more experienced management…
  • Les Miserables (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 29th Experience the award-winning musical phenomenon "Les Miserables" at Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Cameron…
  • 😂 Nick Hoff (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Thru Sat, Sep 28th
  • Tulsa Roughnecks FC vs San Antonio FC (ONEOK Field - Tulsa) Support the Tulsa Roughnecks FC professional soccer team as they take on San Antonio FC at ONEOK Field in Tulsa. Since its…
  • 🍴 Take 5: Korean-American Literature (Tulsa City County Library - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm One Book, One Tulsa Martin Regional Library Join us for an evening dedicated to Korean-American literature. Five avid readers will share their favorite reads in five minutes! Leave with 25 readings suggestions designed to inspire. Bookish activities, door prizes and light refreshments will round out the perfect evening. This event is part of…

Thursday, Sep 26th

  • Bedtime Stories (Owasso Library - Owasso) Start Time: 6:30pm Join us for our evening storytime! Bring the whole family for this 0-to-5 storytime! There’s something for everyone – simple songs and books for the little ones, more interactive stories and activities for your older children. Children are welcome to wear their pajamas.
  • Ben & Noel Haggard in Concert (Expo Square - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm Catch country artists Ben & Noel Haggard live as they make their way to the Tulsa State Fair. Listen from your…
  • 🎓 Bounce'n Beethovens (Owasso Library - Owasso) 1 day left Start Time: 6:30pm Children and parents explore music through movement and instruments as they play with egg shakers, bells, rhythm sticks, drums and maracas in this fun, interactive program. Registration is required as class size is limited. Register online or call 918-549-7323. Please register for only one Bounce'n Beethovens class per month. For ages birth-5.…
  • Champions of Health Gala (Cox Business Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:00pm Organizations making a positive impact on the health of Oklahomans will be honored at the 2019 Champions of Health Gala at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 26 at Cox Business Center in Tulsa. To make a reservation, call (855) 628-8642 by September 19. All proceeds benefit the Oklahoma Caring Foundation, a non-profit organization administered by Blue…
  • Cheify w/ many more (Blackbird On Pearl - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:30pm
  • Cruise Night Live Music (Tulsa Raceway Park - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Discover Your Heritage with Genealogy DNA (Tulsa City County Library - Tulsa) 1 day left Start Time: 12:00pm One Book, One Tulsa Wednesday, Sept 25, 12-1 p.m. Jenks Library Friday, Sept 27, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Schusterman-Benson Library Join Liz Walker, Genealogy Resources Center associate, and discover options available for autosomal DNA testing and how a test can help adoptees, and compare what tools the different testing sites have to offer. For…
  • Food Truck Thursday (Downtown - Claremore) Once a month, downtown Claremore transforms into a community hub teeming with people. During Food Truck Thursday, join…
  • 🎡 Ford Family Fun Night (Expo Square - Tulsa) Start Time: 11:00am Gate Admission is only $3 with a coupon from your local Ford Dealer. Rides are only $2 each during Midway hours (does not include Extreme Rides). Gate Admission without Ford coupon is $5. Promotion starts at 11am; not valid with other promotions or offers.
  • Green on Greenwood Health & Wealth Expo (Greenwood Cultural Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:00am ❤️2nd ANNUAL GREEN ON GREENWOOD HEALTH & WEALTH EXPO❤️ The OCBA is proud to bring you another year of Oklahoma's biggest and best two-day expo for Green businesses and patient education annnnd it's FREE!! Last year, OCBA brought Oklahoma's FIRST CannaBiz Expo!!! We had 96 vendor, 24 speakers and OVER 7,000 attendees in TWO days and this…
  • I AM THEY (Mabee Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm Pop-acoustic worship group I AM THEY is announcing plans to headline The Trial & Triumph Tour this fall during the month of September with special guests @[346090915180:274:Dan Bremnes] and @[1791758947747360:274:Elle Limebear]. “Earlier this year we embarked on a small headlining run with some of our friends at radio,” says I AM THEY’s…
  • Les Miserables (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 29th Experience the award-winning musical phenomenon "Les Miserables" at Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Cameron…
  • Mickey's Search Party (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 29th Tulsa State Fair attendees can take a break from all the turkey legs and carnival rides with a ticket to Disney on Ice's…
  • 😂 Nick Hoff (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Thru Sat, Sep 28th
  • 🎭 Republican Hair (The Vanguard - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Tulsa State Fair (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Bring the whole family out for Tulsa's largest annual event, the Tulsa State Fair, and enjoy fun-filled, family…

Friday, Sep 27th

  • Aaron Watson in Concert (Expo Square - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm Catch country artist Aaron Watson live as he makes his way to the Tulsa State Fair. Listen from your spot in front of…
  • 🎓 Bounce'n Beethovens (Owasso Library - Owasso) Last Day Start Time: 6:30pm Children and parents explore music through movement and instruments as they play with egg shakers, bells, rhythm sticks, drums and maracas in this fun, interactive program. Registration is required as class size is limited. Register online or call 918-549-7323. Please register for only one Bounce'n Beethovens class per month. For ages birth-5.…
  • 🏃 Cycle For Life Night Ride (River West Festival Park - Tulsa) Evening ride, great for cyclists of all skill levels, benefiting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Fully-supported ride with route options of 30 & 15 miles, including stocked rest stops and bike support along the routes. Start the evening by decorating your bike, body, and helmet at our Get Lit tent, and plan to enjoy our post-ride party upon…
  • Discover Your Heritage with Genealogy DNA (Tulsa City County Library - Tulsa) Last Day Start Time: 12:00pm One Book, One Tulsa Wednesday, Sept 25, 12-1 p.m. Jenks Library Friday, Sept 27, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Schusterman-Benson Library Join Liz Walker, Genealogy Resources Center associate, and discover options available for autosomal DNA testing and how a test can help adoptees, and compare what tools the different testing sites have to offer. For…
  • 🎨 Film on the Lawn: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (Philbrook Downtown - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:00pm Friday, September 27, 6:00 PM
    Gene Wilder puts on his Wonka hat and makes our wildest dreams come true in this 1971 adaptation of Roald Dahl's famous novel. Do you have your golden ticket? Bring a picnic or get a burger at Kitchen 27's Burger Night. Member tickets available on Monday, April 22 Not-Yet Member tickets available on Monday, April…
  • Fridays in the Loft Chamber Music (FlyLoft - Tulsa) The Tulsa Symphony Orchestra presents a regular Fridays in the Loft Chamber Music series. Take a seat at the Fly Loft in…
  • Friday Night Test N Tune (Tulsa Raceway Park - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Jackson Taylor and The Sinners (The Shrine - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:30pm
  • 🎭 Kansas Password: knowreturn (Brady Theater - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:00pm KANSAS - POINT OF KNOW RETURN - FRI 9/27 Venue Presale Now thru Thu 4/11 10pm Online Only with Password: KNOWRETURN Link:
  • 🎭 Kansas 'Point of Know Return (Brady Theater - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • Les Miserables (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 29th Experience the award-winning musical phenomenon "Les Miserables" at Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Cameron…
  • Mickey's Search Party (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Sep 29th Tulsa State Fair attendees can take a break from all the turkey legs and carnival rides with a ticket to Disney on Ice's…
  • Miss Nelson Has a Field Day (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm Presented By: Imagination Series Tulsa PAC Trust Return to Horace B. Smedley School where the Smedley Tornadoes have never won a football game. In fact, they have never even scored a single point! With such a poor record and a team that is out of control, kindhearted Miss Nelson comes to the rescue, enlisting the help of her alter ego, the…
  • 😂 Nick Hoff (Loony Bin - Tulsa) 1 day left
  • Peter and the Wolf (Tulsa Ballet - Tulsa) Kids are invited to the family-friendly "Peter and the Wolf" production, featuring a familiar cast of characters…
  • Route 66 Cruisers Cruise-In & Car Show (Claremore Lake Park - Claremore) Day 1 of 2 Bring the entire family out to the annual Route 66 Cruisers Cruise-In & Car Show in Claremore to celebrate classic cars…
  • 🏃 RunnersWord Tulsa Urban Adventure Run (RunnersWorld Tulsa - Tulsa) Join us for the fifth annual RunnersWorld Tulsa 26.2, 50, or 100 Mile Urban Adventure Race!
    Route Map Here:
    The RunnersWorld Tulsa Urban Adventure Race promises to be an unforgettable running experience. It is an urban adventure, a running tour of Tulsa, beginning and ending at RunnersWorld…
  • Tulsa State Fair (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Bring the whole family out for Tulsa's largest annual event, the Tulsa State Fair, and enjoy fun-filled, family…
  • 🎓 Tulsa State Fair Draft Horse Show (Expo Square - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 8:00am Mark your calendars to attend the Tulsa Fair Draft Horse show in Tulsa OK!! September 27 & 28 2019. Hitch, halter, pleasure & riding classes. Obstacle courses. Costume class. Loads of fun! Free for anyone wanting to come watch! Registration deadline August 30th.
  • 🎨 Young at Art: Diary of a Worm, a Spider and a Fly (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 11:30am Young at Art: Diary of a Worm, a Spider and a Fly Sept. 27-28 at 11:30 a.m. :: John H. Williams Theatre **The Young At Art series is designed for public, private and home-schooled children. These one-hour shows open new doors for children by introducing the performing arts to new generations. All tickets are $5. "The Diary of a Worm, a Spider…

Saturday, Sep 28th

  • 🏃 Tulsa 5K Rosary/Cathedral Run (Holy Family Cathedral - Tulsa) It's a 5k run or 1 mile walk with a twist. See all the historic churches in downtown Tulsa while participating in the Rosary! It's where prayer meets the pavement!
    This is a USATF sanctioned race but not chipped timed. Top 3 male and top 3 female finishers will be awarded prizes.
    Sign up online at
  • 🏃 Tulsa Bicycle Club Fall Century (Whirlpool Plant - Tulsa) The best fall ride in Oklahoma! Explore the backroads of rural Tulsa county. Add great SAG support, filling and relaxing rest stops, and you get the very best in Oklahoma cycling in the fall. Register soon ... and why not join the Club and save yourself $5 on registration for this ride plus enjoy the many other benefits of membership!
  • 🎭 Chandler Park Open Mic (Chandler Park - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:00pm $2/person. Your chance to be a star! Singing, dance, stand up, poetry; show everyone what you've got! Concessions available. Sign up by phone/at location. 918-591-6053.
  • 🎭 The Drunkard and the Olio (Tulsa Spotlight Theatre - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • Ginuwine in Concert (Expo Square - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm Catch R&B artist Ginuwine live as he makes his way to the Tulsa State Fair. Listen from your spot in front of…
  • Les Miserables (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) 1 day left Experience the award-winning musical phenomenon "Les Miserables" at Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Cameron…
  • Mickey's Search Party (Expo Square - Tulsa) 1 day left Tulsa State Fair attendees can take a break from all the turkey legs and carnival rides with a ticket to Disney on Ice's…
  • 😂 Nick Hoff (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Last Day
  • 🏆 OSSAA State Cheerleading (Mabee Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 11:00am $7 Cash | $8 Credit Card General Admission More information at
  • Rose District Farmers Market (Rose District Plaza - Broken Arrow) Thru Sat, Oct 26th Start Time: 8:00am different music, events, and guests, each week
  • Route 66 Cruisers Cruise-In & Car Show (Claremore Lake Park - Claremore) Day 2 of 2 Bring the entire family out to the annual Route 66 Cruisers Cruise-In & Car Show in Claremore to celebrate classic cars…
  • Soul Fest (Guthrie Green - Tulsa) Don't miss one of Guthrie Green's biggest music events of the year during Soul Fest. This free, family-friendly…
  • Tulsa State Fair (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Bring the whole family out for Tulsa's largest annual event, the Tulsa State Fair, and enjoy fun-filled, family…
  • 🎓 Tulsa State Fair Draft Horse Show (Expo Square - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 8:00am Mark your calendars to attend the Tulsa Fair Draft Horse show in Tulsa OK!! September 27 & 28 2019. Hitch, halter, pleasure & riding classes. Obstacle courses. Costume class. Loads of fun! Free for anyone wanting to come watch! Registration deadline August 30th.
  • 🏃 Susan G. Komen Tulsa Race for the Cure (River Spirit Casino - Tulsa) Join us for the Annual Susan G. Komen Tulsa Race for the Cure® starting at the Rivers Spirit Casino Resort. Races will include a half marathon, 5K timed event, 5K untimed event and 1-mile fun run/walk. Visit for more information!
  • 🎨 Teen Program: Butterfly Gardening and Rock Painting (Tulsa Garden Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 1:00pm Part of the teens-only program! Butterflies are some of the most beautiful and interesting creatures on Earth and they make the world a little more colorful. In this workshop to learn why butterflies are beneficial and how to attract them to your yard. After touring the Linnaeus Butterfly Garden we will be guided in painting beautiful garden…
  • Turner & Boggs Suicide Awareness Concert (Tulsa Raceway Park - Tulsa) Start Time: 4:00pm

Sunday, Sep 29th

  • Blacktop Mojo and Guests (The Shrine - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm Headliner: Blacktop Mojo Special Guest: Cyanide Hook Doxy Firstryke Oklahoma Alibi
  • 🎡 Lanco (Expo Square - Tulsa) Sunday, September 29th: Give a BIG Oklahoma welcome to our friends LANCO! We can't wait! Want the best seats in the house? Get your River Spirit VIP Section tickets TODAY!
  • Legendary Midnight Drags (Tulsa Raceway Park - Tulsa) Start Time: 11:00pm
  • Les Miserables (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Last Day Experience the award-winning musical phenomenon "Les Miserables" at Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Cameron…
  • Mickey's Search Party (Expo Square - Tulsa) Last Day Tulsa State Fair attendees can take a break from all the turkey legs and carnival rides with a ticket to Disney on Ice's…
  • Tulsa State Fair (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Bring the whole family out for Tulsa's largest annual event, the Tulsa State Fair, and enjoy fun-filled, family…

Monday, Sep 30th

  • 🎡 For King & Country (Expo Square - Tulsa) Alright Oklahoma, we know you love for KING & COUNTRY so we're bringing them back! Who wants to go? Want the best seats in the house? Get your River Spirit VIP Section tickets TODAY!
  • 🎡 Mazzio's Ride-A-Thon (Expo Square - Tulsa) Start Time: 11:00am Save $10 on a ride wristband by picking up a coupon at your local Mazzio's (does not include Gate Admission and Extreme Rides). Price without Mazzio's coupon is $45.
  • 🎭 Open Mic (Blackbird On Pearl - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Tulsa State Fair (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Bring the whole family out for Tulsa's largest annual event, the Tulsa State Fair, and enjoy fun-filled, family…

Tuesday, Oct 1st

  • 🎡 Alltech's Family Fest (Expo Square - Tulsa) Start Time: 11:00am Gate Admission is only $6 per person; Children (under age 5) are FREE. Seniors (62+) and Military are FREE until 2pm; proper identification required at time of purchase. Not valid with other promotions or offers.
  • 🎨 Clothed in Strength and Dignity (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:00am Clothed in Strength and Dignity Sept. 5 � Oct 1, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and during Chapman Music Hall events :: PAC Gallery Katie Wheat Pernu has spent most of her life teaching others about art. She holds a degree in Art Education from Northern Arizona University and achieved National Board Certification as an art teacher. She has instructed…
  • 🎡 Lovelytheband (Expo Square - Tulsa) Just go ahead and call us awesomethefair because we just snagged lovelytheband for October 1st! Want the best seats in the house? Get your River Spirit VIP Section tickets TODAY!
  • Open Jam Aka Community Sound (Blackbird On Pearl - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Tulsa State Fair (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Bring the whole family out for Tulsa's largest annual event, the Tulsa State Fair, and enjoy fun-filled, family…
  • 🎭 Sublime with Rome (Brady Theater - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm Sublime with Rome - October 1 Special Guests The Expendables and Tropidelic On Sale Fri 8/9 10am

See Also

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